Sunday, 15 December 2013

Mind Body Stroll

On Sunday the 15th of December I held an event down at Cronulla beach called Mind Body Stroll, I wanted to create a community of women coming together to embrace life and promote health and wellness.

Mother Nature played her games with me as I woke up to clouds and spatters of rain, but the weather was not going to stop me. With the helps of my friends and family I packed up my fruit platters, goodie bags and prize packs and took off down to the beach.

I was so humbled by the turn out of amazing people who came, some familiar faces and meet some new faces that turned into friends. We enjoyed some fruit salads by the waters edge until it was ready to start the meditation.

I gathered every one and started with a salute to the sun, on the exhale the rain started to pour over us, but my unbelievable group were in the zone of the mediation to let the rain bother them. I started guiding them on a personal journey where we came face to face with out fears, control, attachments and stressors that has been holding us down this past year, we released the heaviness and began tapping into what we want to achieve in 2014. I got them to visualize three intentions for the New Year and how they want their life to play out now that they have broken down the walls from fear and judgment.

After the meditation, the rain stopped the sun started shinning through the clouds and we begun our walk along the water. The energy was electric and the discussions on the walk were so positive as people were sharing their three intentions for the New Year.

We returned back and I was excited to announce the three winners of the Prize Packs, thanks to Jurlique, Bio Oil and The Body Shop. We had some amazing entries of people getting involved and using the #MindBodyStroll hash tag, but the lucky winners were Tiarne, Lara and Elyce.

The girls got to take home some goodie bags with personalized affirmations on each bag. Thank you to White Glo ( ) , Byron Bay Cookies ( ) , Caltrate ( ) and many more for the generosity in donating some amazing products for the goodie bags.

Mind Body Stroll will be returning in 2014, its time to start creating your best life yet. So lets connect with like-minded people who will help lift us higher and reach our goals. Stay tuned for next event dates.

Love + Light


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

. Imagine It. Feel It. Receive It .

. Imagine It. Feel It. Receive It .

Moving into 2014 a brand spanking New Year where you can drop all judgment, control, fear and attachments from the previous year and surrender to fully commit to limitless living. The time is NOW to harness the force of love through Money, Relationships, health, career and in business. With the help of three easy steps you will be able to change your life into whatever you want.

“ Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and every thing your heart desires must come to you.”

-       Shakti Gawain

What ever it is you want In life, or what ever you want to do in life it is very simple, you must give love to receive love. Imagine it, Feel it, Receive it. Listen up carefully as I break this down for you . . .

Imagine It:

Its time to use your mind and to really focus on what you want and what you desire. Fall in love with the idea, paint a picture in your head and act as if you already have your desire. How would your desire do to your five senses? How would you act if you got your desire and how would it make you feel. Be creative write out a diary entry as if you already are experience this desire and keep visualizing.

Feel It:

When you are imagining your desire you must also harness the “Feeling” and the love for what you are imagining. How would you feel when you are with your desire? Your imagination connects with what you want. So keep imagining things you do want and experience the good feelings rather things you don’t want.
Feel love, happiness and joy when manifesting your hearts desires and feel the magnetic pull drawing what you want closer to you.

Receive It:

Whether you like it or not the Law of attraction does in fact exist, the universe will give you more of what you want only if you think and feel in that first. The force of love will work through the visible and invisible forces of nature to bring your desires to you. What ever you desire you must want it with all your heart. When it does come into your life give thanks to the desire and know that the universe is working in your power.

“What ever desire you can imagine- already exists! It doesn’t matter what it is, if you can imagine it, it already exists in creation”

- The Power: By Rhonda Byrne


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Swisse Liver Detox

Today I got to join the team at Swisse Australia and Sonia Kruger for a beautiful Christmas lunch on the roof top at Aurora Hotel in Surry Hills to promote the Swisse Liver Detox range, perfect timing for the silly season.

After a beautiful sun shinning weekend in Sydney filled with cheese boards, and endless amounts of drinks my liver needed a good kick up the bum, and thanks to Swisse Liver Detox it’s giving my body so much goodness as it helps to support liver health, assists detoxification and digestion, hmmm just what the doctor ordered.

We got to experience some serious cocktail making, cocktail glasses were flying in the air and fire flames lit up the room as the bar tender made two delicious cocktails.

The stunning Sonia Kruger graced us with her presence as she is a Swisse Vitamins ambassador and to meet her in person you can tell she is taking her Swisse vitamins daily as she glows with raidience and is such a lovely soul. Sonia got to get behind the bar and show us a few tricks of her own … lets just say don’t quit your day job Sonia hahaha.

Remember to listen to what your body needs over the holiday season, as the year is ending our body can become overwhelmed and more alcohol is consumed, so in return make sure you take care of your liver and your body from the inside out and grab your self the Swisse Liver Detox from your local pharmacy. Based on 25 years of research you know Swisse is the best for your. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Mind Body Stroll Event:

Date: Sunday the 15th of December 2013
Time: 7.00am – 8.00am
Location: Greenhills Beach Cronulla NSW 2230
What to Wear: Casual/ Comfortable Clothing With Swimmers 
What to bring: An Open Mind and your Smile
Type of Event: Free Event to the Public

The Idea came to me…

The idea for Mind Body Stroll came to me yesterday when I put my car into park in my driveway, this instant thought of girls of all ages coming together down on the beach to meditate, relax, walk on the waters edge and eat healthy foods. With this thought came a lot of “feeling” from with in me, I have no idea why I was called to put this event on or why I even came up with this idea but last night when I lay in bed my brain would not stop thinking of this idea and my “Intuition” was telling me to start it straight away, so at 1am I was up out of bed and started to plan.

What’s MBS all about?

Believe it or not we are in December, this year has gone incredibly quick and like every year we have our peek moments and our pit moments but most of all we are going through the crazy motions of each month juggling our work, our relationships or finances, and fitting in time for our self. Its now time to stop and reevaluate where you are right now and give thanks to all those moments you have had over the last year and set in place goals for 2014.

We will start the morning off bright and early at Greenhill’s beach with a mini guided meditation, that will clear the mind leaving you with crystal clear clarity, and then we can start visualizing what you want to attract and achieve in your life in 2014.

After our mini meditation we will start our walk to boat harbor, walk in groups, in pairs or even by your self. You can walk at your own pace, as this is your time to reflect, reboot and just chill out. You can have the option to walk, run, cartwheel and skip and be open to connect with like-minded people.

Returning from our walk I will have beautiful Fresh Organic Fruit that I will purchase from the farmers markets the day before, I will also provide ice-cold water. We can sit in the sunshine and get some nutritious food in us after our long walk.

 You are then left to enjoy the rest of your day, feeling fresh, clear, and full of goodness.

So with this crazy, unique thought and idea that popped up into my head, I decided to let my feelings guide me and to just “Do It” and leave the fear behind. Yes I have fear that no one will come; yes I have fear that people may think I’m slightly crazy, but these fears only affect my ego. So fears aside I am so excited to see you all next Sunday the 15th of December.

Please Share this event with friends and family and I look forward to seeing you then.

Nikki. x