Thursday, 6 November 2014

Death Is My Biggest Motivator To Live Fully

Note to self: You WILL die!!

It’s the cold hard fact that leaves people afraid, cringing and usually a topic we like to avoid. Recently a group of my girl friends sat down and we brought up the topics that have been floating around lately. The terrorist threats, war and the dreaded Ebola virus.  My girlfriends expressed how concerned they are for there safety and that they are scared that they may die. I do agree that the current events that are going on in the world are a harsh reality of the madness of human kind and a battle of egos.

However the topic of death for me is a different story. When I am reminded that my time on earth is limited. I will die one day, I may not know how or when or any of the details but yes one day I will pass over and that my friends is comforting to me. 

My girl friends thought I was crazy that I was smiling while talking about death, I understand that death may be painful or sad but it’s a fact that we all will go through it. It’s the one thing we all have in common.  But why be scared of something when you can not change or control it?

So here are my 3 reasons to embrace death and live fully:

1. Wake up each morning and be thankful for being alive and well:

We are lucky to be living here on this earth, in times of hardship, doubt and worry what I like to do is place my hand on my chest, close my eyes and connect in with my breathe. I feel my beating heart through my chest and it’s a reminder that I am alive, and I have been put on this earth for a reason. Give thanks for each beautiful day it’s a blessing.

2. Love with all your heart and don’t apologies for it.

Speak from the depths of your heart, if you love some one, tell them and scream it from the rooftops. Its never to late to tell people how you really feel. Get uncomfortable, be real and speak your truth, being vulnerable is the most incredible feeling.

3. Dare to chase your BIG dreams.

Don’t play it safe, get risky, dream big, get of the scale big, I mean really explore your horizons. We all have the power to be incredible humans, which we all hold individual talents just waiting to emerge. Only a few of us reach our potential greatness as the rest of us stay in our comfort zone of what we know is possible and our limits of living that we created with our own minds. All the great thinkers were the crazy, wild and free ones who laughed at the thought of death and took the risks. Next time you choose to dream big and take the leap just remind your self that one day you will die, so you may as well go for it!!!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Secrets To Powerful Growth

You know that old cliché saying, “What does not kill you makes you stronger”? Well those very words are true down to the core. Us as human beings in all our realness, our flaws and of course our beauty we ALL suffer pain, heart ache and loss in some form or another. Its how we deal with it and move forward is what really matters. To grow you must allow your self to heal, surrender drop the need to be something and dig deeper for a little insight to some inner work. Get to find out more about you and how your mind works, stop the self-criticism and face up to old limiting beliefs. Once you master this you will live the most incredible fearless life, I promise.

Life is simple what we give out we get back.

The law of attraction shows us that the energy you put of to the universe comes back to you in unique and brilliant ways. What we think becomes the truth. You are responsible for EVERYTHING in your life, the best and the worst. Do not play victim you have created every situation and event leading up to now.

The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences. No one has power over us, only our self.  The universe totally supports us and is on our side. Never blame society, don’t give your power to others, it will only deplete you and your power will fade and you will stall your growth.

State your power:

You are worthy and deserving of all that you have ever wanted, nothing is to big or to small. When my friends come to me with an idea, I say how much do you believe in this? Are you willing to pour your heart into this idea and if the answer is yes I say dream big, go touch the stars, I promise to cheer you on every step of the way.

If you want something be bold, clear and direct. Declare to your self and the universe what you want and know that it is already true. Example: “Universe I am going to live my life to the fullest, I am going to travel and explore the world, I am going to hold health and yoga retreats in exotic places and touch the lives of many”. State your power and know that it is true, when the time is right the universe will deliver. Remember thoughts become thing so believe and you will attract. 

The point of power is in the present moment:

Your past is now over and done with, what is true is this moment, you are the creator of your life, by the words you speak and the chatter in your head you are forming your experience for tomorrow, a week from now, a month and even a year from now. I have spent the last 4 years, working on the law of attraction, harnessing some power self belief and iv gotten to the stage that living in the moment and catching your negative thoughts and realigning them to a higher frequency is what has helped me to grow and heal. No that a thought can be changed, what you think is a big deal is actually not, you create the scenarios in your head, stop the mind reading, stop the constant need to control how you think and feel and just let it be. You know who you are, you know your values own that power and you will grow big and strong.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

The Importance of Self-Belief

Today I feel inspired to let you in on my own journey of how I have gotten o where I am today. Working for my self as a Health Coach and Yoga Teacher, putting on Wellness Events and living each day with a grateful heart and a loved up soul.

Firstly let me tell you it was never easy, I faced a lot of fear, anxiety and self doubt before I came to the realization that I need to play big to receive big. That’s when I choose to stop with the itty bitty shitty comity in my head and I started to cultivate some serious self belief.

Its been a year since I quit my full time jobs in Public Relations, it was one of those moments when the light bulb switch turned on so bright the light shown through my pours like sun beams in summer. My intuition was screaming at me “Leave Nikki! We have big beautiful plans for you if you only trust and follow your intuition”. So as I went in headfirst completely blind folded and shit scared I started my journey of self discover, of healing, of self love and of course self belief.

Don’t Listen to you parents, and your friends don’t know SHIT:

My biggest lesson is to don’t ask or tell people about your ideas, especially your parents. Parental figures and friends want you to play it safe, that don’t want to see you fail so they rather wrap a bandage over you to protect you from any fall, so they may tell you things you don’t want to hear. I learned the hard way of constantly trying to get approval form my family and friends, it was like a sales pitch, me trying to explain to people what I wanted to achieve. They then all chimed in giving me their opinion, their advice and offering their concerns or help. It made me take steps back never forward, it made me feel like my dreams were to big and unachievable. It got to the point where I was fed up with the charade so I choose to take action, because we all know actions speak louder than words right?

So when my intuition was in full swing I just went with it. When I woke up one morning and my intuition told me to sign up for my yoga teacher training, by the end of the day I was enrolled in a course and starting in less than 1 month. When I had an idea for a wellness event, with in an hour I had a face book page up with over 500 invited and sponsors already emailing me to get involved. Now I don’t just think or speak I just DO. Yes fear creeps up and I whip out my sword and slay that bitch to rest, because all the fear is just in my head.

When you believe in your self, you can achieve any thing:

When you walk your talk and live and breathe your passion and purpose, it shows. People look at your glow and say “I want what she’s having”. Do not jump into something just for the money or the image, start something that means a lot to you, serve in a way that’s authentic to your true self. Find that passion, that burning desire to do good things that ignite a spark in your life. Know your shit, never stop learning. You will always be a student in this lifetime, you will always be learning and growing. You will not always know the right answers but you know what you love. If you believe in your self and believe in what you do, you will be a success. 

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Bitch Be Like "Its My Ego Talking"

“Ego Says: once every thing falls into place I will find peace.
Spirit says: Find peace and every thing will fall into place.”

When you shift gears and become (awake) is what I like to call it. Being totally aware of the spirit world, in touch with your mind body and soul you start to notice things, your intuition gets that little bit stronger and you have a burning desire to live through your truth. Have you been there? It’s a pretty vulnerable place as you may be confronted with a whole lot of walls to break down.

My awaken transformation happened at the age of 20. I just moved out and started a new job in fashion, I thought I ruled the world I thought I had it all, until my itty bitty shitty comity in my head started to kick in. I started worrying about what to wear, what labels to buy, how I look, the right thing to say and how I presented my self to society. I was a total mess, I was not living my truth, I morphed into a fake world and lost my way in between. I started reading self help books, cliché I know but life changing YES. From these books came an array of daily affirmations, vision boards, positive self talk, intense visulisations and my journey of manifestation begun.

I started to stop faking and started live my truth.

I noticed quickly that every thing I thought I was, was not me it was my ego. My big fat ugly bitch mean girl ego and I saw how it ruined my life!!

Girl you aint your ego!!

You are not your JOB
You are not your LABELED CLOTHING
You are not your HOME LOCATION
You are not your INCOME
You are not your LOOKS
You are not your MATERIAL ITEMS
You are not your FRIENDS

You are You, the only You that exists. You are your soul, your inner spirit. With out the external self you are a creature of nature and physical being living in this material world. I want to strip you down so you are bare, raw and let your authentic self shine bright.

I guess what really grinds my gears and what I experienced today and infact on a daily basis… Is people living through their ego self, the mean girl, the bitch with in them consumes them of all their beauty and instead radiates nasty vibes into the solar system. Bad negative energy that is unwanted. Think before you speak my ego friends.

A friendly reminder:

Before you blame, judge or critise, check in with you inner self. Your ego just wants to play, put that bitch to rest.

When you find your self with negative self talk, put the ego bitch to rest and close your eyes pop your hand on your heart and sink into your soul. You are all kinds of amazingness so just remember that.

When others judge you because of your, appearance, your clothing, your car, your home, your income. Virtually bitch slap them because they arnt seeing the real you, they are seeing the Ego self, and that bitch aint your truth.

So before you make judgment, before you control or blame or bitch. Firstly STOP and BREATHE and check in with your heart and soul. Ask your self… is this my Ego talking? If the answer is YES, then drop it, drop all of it and surrender. You are more than just your ego you are divine grace. Belive it baby!!

Love + Light,

Nikki x

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Protect Your Heart In Your Relationship

 “If my love were an ocean,
there would be no more land.
If my love were a desert,
you would see only sand.
If my love were a star-
late at night, only light.
And if my love could grow wings,
I’d be soaring in flight.”

I am a Love Story:

So I have always been a girl who wears her ectopic heart on her sleeve. I fall madly in love and head over heels when I find a connection with someone. I don’t play games, I speak my mind and I probably look like a loved up puppy dog.

I have learnt the hard way that you need to protect your heart first, don’t let it all bleed out to the first person who shows you their heart and soul. NO you must give it time, invite little parts of your heart to seep through the cracks and when the time is right let it all unfold organically.

Protect the Loveable Energy:

I am an energy magnet; I have some intense electric loved up energy in and around me, being born on the day of love I have been told I have a pink aura around me vibrating love to all who I meet. A clairvoyant once said to me that be careful what men enter my life because I am easy to fall in love with… I laughed because It sounded ridiculous. But I do project a lot of love, maybe even to much and after coming out of a 4.5 year relationship my heart broke into pieces. A few months later out of the blue I fell hard in love and a few weeks later my heart was broken again. A good friend who is connected to some higher spirit said to me, that I am giving to much love that the other person can not meet and my pink aura is so overpowering that engulfs the relationship.

I love how much I love, trust me I am not changing that about my self, after multiple heart breaks I bounce back and am so much stronger than ever. But a lesson that I have learnt is not to give, give, give my whole fucking heart. I end up so naked and vulnerable that its so easy to let cracks appear and then its only a matter of time before things start to come crashing down.

How to protect and open heart:

Surround yourself with amethyst stone crystals, I wear one around my neck and it lays just over my heart, amethysts are a healing and protection stone so to keep it over your heart it harness protection and love. Also think with your heart, filter it through your head before you speak. I was always just speaking through my heart like word vomit and ended up spilling all my secrets way to fast and left nothing to the imagination. Also remember to take things slow, wait until you really feel some strong, trusted loved up emotions before you drop the “L” bomb.

To this day, through all my heart breaks, I still choose to love with all my fucking heart. Nothing and no one will ever tarnish my little heart. I choose to keep loving and you should to. If you have gone through a break up and feel like you just cant go on, that you may never love again. Slap your self silly because girl you can and babes you will. Get the Itty Bitty Shitty Comity out of your god dam head, go and buy some rose quartz and inject loving thoughts into your life. 

Visualise Loved up Bliss

Close your eyes and visualize your perfect relationship. How would it look? How does it make you feel? Then write down your values and really stand strong in who you are, what you stand for and your beliefs. Once you determine this you will then attract a person who mirrors your core beliefs and values. You deserve nothing but the very best. Believe it baby, you will love again because love is the highest vibration in the universe with out love we would not be here. So forgive the ones who have hurt you, send them white shining light and wish them all the best for a kick ass life. You can only truly move on from a broken heart but first you must forgive. Do not get into another relationship with resentment from an old partner. You will hold onto that and that bad energy will be followed through into your next relationship. So forgive and forget, send love and move on baby.

So to all my single ladies, protect your heart, value your self, stand strong in who you are, never settle, and never stop loving your self first.


N x