Thursday, 27 February 2014


To all the gorgeous soul sisters who are joining me for the Mind Body Stroll Event, since the rain, clouds, and wind have joined forces and creating a whole next level storm situation that is totally out of my control, I have had to POSTPONE the event for NEXT Saturday 8th March 2014- 8.30 Oak Park Cronulla.

Mind Body Stroll is all about YOU, I want YOU to feel comfortable, at peace and relaxed and just after going down to the location it was the opposite of all those things and I do not want to put you through that kind of torture.

As much as I am so disappointed I wont get to see you all tomorrow, I believe that “EVERY thing happens for a reason” and I bet you the universe has this golden plan for all of us on the 8th of March, it will be Electric, it will be Juicy and it will fill you up with SO much LOVE.

The 3 Pros of having the event postponed till next Saturday:

  • You get a Whole Week to join in on the Instagram FUN! Remember to hash tag #MindBodyStroll and @MirrorMyManifest in your photos and you could win some amazing Prizes.

  • You have a week to set in your intentions and goals, so next week you can bring them to your yoga mat and start creating and manifesting your true desires.

  • You have more time to invite friends and family that perhaps couldn’t make it this Saturday. So keep spreading the word.

To be completely honest with you, this week has been a huge test for me, planning an event with 140 people on my own, along with a sweet little parking fine, package delays and the badly behaved weather, I am sitting here typing this blog post with the biggest smile on my face as I have had the most amazing support from family, friends, business, and people from all over the world who have emailed to show their gratitude. So THANK YOU.

This is me at the MBS Location, such a beautiful spot but SO cold, wet and windy today.

My Intention for Mind Body Stroll Is:

  • Create a community of like-minded people
  • To encourage women of all ages to live a happy, healthy life through healthy eating and movement
  • To show people the beauty of Yoga.
  • To Get people to connect with there intuition and to find a safe place to relax

Being busy, and not living in the present moment we forget about our initial intention and after I became aware of my disconnected state I decided to drop ALL control and let whatever will be will be.

So now let me ask you, will you be joining me NEXT Saturday? And What is your Intention for Coming to Mind Body Stroll? 

Love + Light,

Nikki x

Sunday, 16 February 2014

How to get to sleep Naturally

As a Health Coach, one of the questions we ask our clients is how many hours of sleep are you getting each night? If the number is low then we know that some things need to change.  It is nearly impossible to function on little to no sleep, our energy levels are low, our motivation is low, and our body and overall health suffers.

I find it so fascinating that people, who struggle to sleep, then fill their bodies with caffeine and sugar to try and squeeze some energy into their bodies so they can function through out the day. Then when it comes to nighttime they are still buzzing from the consumption of all that coffee, chocolate, energy drinks and sugary treats. No wonder they can’t get to sleep.

Natural Solutions to a Good Nights Sleep:

1. Tea Relaxers:

The Complexion Cleanse tea from Queen B Tea is a completely caffeine free and has a special ingredient that will help you get plenty of Zzzzs. The ingredient that I swear by for a good night sleep is Dandelion. It is a natural relaxing plant that not only helps to calm the nervous system but it helps clear skin, and helps your digestion. After drinking this tea I feel completely relaxed, calm and ready for a good nights sleep. This beautiful product will also be in the Mind body Stroll goodie bags!!

Queen B Complexion Tea: $24.00

2. Hot Bath with Lavender Oil:

Lavender is a beautiful way to calm the mind; research has shown that lavender helps lower the heart rate and blood pressure leaving you in a complete and relaxing state. For me after a busy day I like to have a Hot Bath with some natural sea salt to purify the skin. Followed by a few drops of the Jurlique Lavender Essence to create a truly blissful aroma that will leave you floating above the clouds and ready for bed.

Jurlique Tranquil Blend: $26.99

3. Relax into it:

The time before bed is your own time to relax, unwind and be at peace. Getting to that place can be a challenge; I some times will listen to some relaxation music or a beautiful guided mediation for sleep. Remember to breathe and let your mind wander. You can repeat this affirmation in your head to quiet the mind and get you ready for a good night sleep. “ My body is peaceful, pure calm bliss”

Here are a few “DON’Ts” when it comes to getting a good night sleep:

Caffeine Overloads:
Try limiting your self to having 1 coffee in the morning. If you can cut it out all together and replace it with a herbal tea that’s even better. Cutting down on the caffeine can restore your natural energy levels and get you back into a better sleeping routine.

Technology Distractions:
Your bedroom is your special sanctuary for a good night sleep. It should be a relaxing place, no clutter, no mess and NO technology including TV, Radio and your Mobile Phone. Electricity can suppress melatonin production (sleep hormone) so please do your self a favor and put the phone down and turn it all “OFF” “you can read all your friends status updates tomorrow”

Don’t Just Sit there:
Our bodies are full of energy that needs to be burnt up. We spend our time sitting a lot, we need to jump out of the chair and go for a walk, run, or let the energy out at the gym. Storing energy in the body can lead to restless sleeps, as we are simply not tired.  Exercise releases cortisol levels, a stress hormone that will keep you too alert for rest!

Now i hope you are ready for a deep relaxing sleep, aim for 8 hours and reap the benefits of having more energy and feeling great!!

Love + Light,


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

2 Ways to Escape a Bad Day

Its OK to have a Bad Day:

People ask me all the time, “Nikki, your so positive, I bet you never have bad days… Do you?” I say to those people “Hell Yeah, I am only human”.
Having bad days are completely normal, some times we wake up with no motivation, some times we are just angry for no reason and some times we just want to lay in bed all day and not move. We ALL have these moments and its OK!

For me when these bad days come up, I like to sit with the uncomfortable emotions, if I need to cry then I will cry, if I need vent then I will pull out my voice recorder and vent my little heart out to my self just like I’m talking to my best friend. I don’t want to mask the emotions that lay under my bad day, instead I bring them to the surface and just let them sit with me.

Now having 1 bad day is OK in fact its totally fine! But having multiple bad days in a row, its not good at all, this means that you need to get out of your head, start loving your self and change how your thinking.

Here are my top 2 tips to escaping a bad day:

Morning Pages:

Morning pages are like word vomit on a page, it is designed as an empowering tool used to cultivate creativity and personal transformations. The idea is to write what ever is in your head, it does not need to make sense and it does not need to flow as you are simply transcribing your thoughts onto a page.

The purpose of writing in the early morning is significant, as it allows you to capture your thoughts before your ego is awake. Your vulnerability in the early morning allows you to write truthfully and purposefully. If you had a fight with some one the day before, if you have problems at work, or you’re just a bit out of your head, writing Morning Pages can get you unstuck and give you so much clarity.

This is a sentence from my own morning pages a few weeks ago:
“So tired, rested lost, but found and I am hungry so so hungry I wish I lived in a sea shell under the salty ocean. What’s the weather like today? Oh I need to do some exercise I feel rotten” – You can only imagine what goes through my head every day…

Drop a Gratitude Bomb:

Gratitude Bombing is my favorite thing to do when I am having a bad day, as it makes me feel so much better and I also make other happy and feeling loved.
It is so simple, all you have to do is go through your contacts list and choose people that you love and who play a huge roll in your life as a supportive friend or family member.
Now message, call or email that person individually and tell them how much you appreciate them and how grateful you are to have them in your life. You can do it to just one special person or your whole contact list if you would like. But the power of being grateful can cure any bad day as you are sending love out to the world and in a result so much love will flow back to you.

You are having a bad day, not a bad life!

When you are having a bad day, remember to, not go so hard on your self. The most important quote to remember is:

“This isn’t as important as you think it is”

Love your self unconditionally, and do more things that make you happy, show gratitude towards yourself and others and always know “This to shall pass”.

If your having a bad day and need that push in the write direction, please feel free to email me

Love + Light. 

Sunday, 2 February 2014


Lets be Kind:

I am so excited to talk to you about a mini project that I have been working on that will create waves in our local community and soon spread all over Australia and one day the world. “ The Kindness Movement”!!

The Kindness Movement is about choosing kindness and love to your self, the friends and family who surround you, the people that you work with and strangers.  We live in a world that is a tad selfish, we take selfies, we indulge in luxuries, we are always on the go and we become unaware of the people around us and some times for get about our self.  When we have a bad day we replace the feeling by shopping, eating, venting to friends and other avenues but did you know how good you can feel by just choosing kindness.

Random Acts of Kindness:

When ever I am having a bad day I try and find a way that I can make some one else’s day better or put a smile on another’s face.

Here are some Random Acts of Kindness ideas:

  • Buy a coffee for a stranger
  • Buy some flowers for a loved one
  • Let some one in the super market go ahead of you
  • Cook a meal for a friend in need
  • Buy some groceries for the homeless
  • Wash a dirty car on the street
  • Spark up a conversation with the elderly

The list goes on…

The beauty of Random Acts of Kindness is that if feels SO good when you give to others and it makes you think of others rather than your self and the problems you might be facing that day.

Random Acts Of Kindness is giving without the thought of receiving.  However when you give love to others and show more kindness in this beautiful world the Law of Attraction is that more love and kindness will come back to you multiplied. It feels good to give, it feels good to make some one smile, so its time to start The Kindness Movement…

TKM Cards:

I am currently developing TKM cards. These cards will have a short, kind message on them “ I hope you have a wonderful day, share the act of kindness”

You can use these cards when you decide to do a random act of kindness, for example you go to the coffee shop and buy your self a coffee. You have had a bad morning and missed the bus and you are dreading work. So you decide to buy the person who comes in next a coffee and you leave them with this card.

The stranger comes in a receives their free coffee with this beautiful card with the message to ‘share the kindness” on the back of the card is the following steps:

  • Keep this card in your wallet
  • When you get the urge, its time to show kindness
  • Leave this card the next time you show kindness to a stranger
  • Enjoy the natural high of being kind
  • Live Free, Be Happy, Stay Kind.

I will be giving these TKM cards away in all the goodie bags at the Mind body Stroll Event. I will also have them available through my web site post event.

Next Step:

I want to here your stories!! Send me an email of your experience of showing kindness to a stranger. How did you feel? How did it impact your day? I want to hear from you. I will post some amazing stories over her eon the blog to help people get inspired to give back and me more kind.

Love + Light + Kindness.

Nikki x