Sunday, 23 March 2014

Be Mindful NOW

Yesterday I attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition Conference in Sydney. We had an array of wellness super stars that spoke and one in particular brought up the importance of being mindful. I was really drawn to her talk, I already knew what mindfulness meant, but as she spoke I realized that I was not incorporating mindfulness in my day to day life and with the words flowing out so effortlessly it hit me like a tone of bricks and so I wrote this down on my note pad…

“ I choose to be in the moment NOW, I choose to be Mindful”

With that intention I turned off my phone, I put my note pad and pen down, I took a huge inhale and a super long exhale out and got comfy being in the present moment where all I had to do was listen, open my heart to her words and just be in the NOW.

5 Minutes of Mindfulness:

Do you remember the last time you didn’t do anything for 5 minutes straight? I mean nothing at all. No reading, no phone, no talking, no TV, no eating, no drinking, no cleaning, nothing what so ever. Just being still, being in the moment, being aware, observing your thoughts and feelings from a distance and not judging them good or bad. Noticing how the body is feeling, feeling your breathe in hale and exhale and connecting with our inner self.

5 minutes is not a long time, but for those of you who are constantly on the go, who are addicted to the phone and who only switch of when its time for bed, this may be a bit challenging.

I want you to try it, take 5 minutes to do NOTHING. Just Pause, Breathe and Live in the moment.

Mindfulness is a Choice:

To be mindful it is to be one with the universe, to open up your eyes a little wider and see the beauty that surrounds you, to be living in the now, we give our selves the freedom and let go of emotional baggage. But you have to first choose to be mindful!!

Choose to be mindful and you will over come and relieve depression, fears, blocks, anxiety and limiting beliefs. Becoming aware helps you not to burn out, as you start to decide whats important NOW.

For example: “You jumped onto face book to update a status and little did you know that 15-20 minutes has past and you are now scrolling through your feed and looking blankly at a computer screen. This is an example of not being mindful, however if you choose to take notice of what you are doing and decide to turn off the computer and focus your attention on what needs to be done now or simply just be here in the moment your mind will switch gears and you will feel more clear minded”.

5 Ways to become more Mindful:

1. Take a moment to notice your breath, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Feel your belly rise and fall.

2. Take notice of what you are doing in the moment. If you are eating, take notice of your food. What is the colour? How does the first bite taste? Enjoy each mouthful and notice how it is nourishing the body.

3. Recognise that your thoughts are just simply thoughts; you do not need to react to them, just let them be.

4. Next time when you engage in a conversation simply listen to the person speaking with out rehearsing what you will say next. Be an intentional listener. 

5. When commuting to work we often zone out and our brain decides to go numb. Instead observe your surroundings, the people and what’s going on in that environment.

P a u s e. B r e a t h e. L i v e.

Enjoy being Mindful…

Nikki x

Thursday, 13 March 2014

MBS Event

Mind Body Stroll

Let me take you back to 1 week from today. It was Friday the 7th of March, the day before the event and a whirlwind of emotions kicked in.  Excitement slowly turned in to nervousness and then just straight up fear with my inner monologue saying (how the hell are you going to pull this off?) 

Mind Body Stroll was an idea that bounced into my head late last year while I was driving home from work. Within 5 minutes I envisioned women of all ages and all areas of Sydney coming together to relax, connect with like minded people, promote health and wellness and just have a little bit of fun. Now 4 months later, my little idea has come to life and I have now put on my second Mind Body Stroll last Saturday the 8th of March, I had an abundance of women come together to shop, eat delicious healthy foods, meditate, do some yoga and go for a stroll by the beach. Such a wicked way to kick starts a weekend.

The event could not of been possible with out the help from some amazing business and brands that I truly believe in and I love. The Mind Body Stroll goodie bags were filled with products that I use my self and that I recommend to my clients, friends and family and i was so thankful that I got to share them all with the lovely ladies who attended last Saturday.

Love Movement Active Wear:

Jac + Gem from LM are such a beautiful duo. They set up their own pop up store at the MBS event and show cased all the latest hot trends from their web site and amazing discounted prizes. If you haven’t already, please check them out, and get clicking to grab your self some killer work out gear.


I have fallen deeply in love with this product and I am not just saying it I really, really mean it. Beautiful Scrubs good enough to eat from Green Tea, Coffee and my favorite the Pink Salt scrub. They leave the skin squeaky clean, smooth and glowing. What a treat to have these in the goodie bags.
Swisse Vitamins:

One of the biggest things that I promote as a health coach Is respecting the body and listening to what it needs. I was lucky enough to give all the guests the Swisse Ultivite + Energy. These beauties help to support mental stamina, alertness and physical performance.

Queen B Tea:

I love Queen B Tea and all its health benefits, the goodie bags had a selection of Herbal Teas, using all the finest, natural and organic ingredients for the guests to enjoy.

Mind Body Stroll started as a single idea, a free event to create a ripple effect of health and wellness while having a whole lot of fun. Thank you so all the ladies who joined in on the morning and a huge thanks to all the amazing people who contributed and make the event come to life. Stay tuned for more MBS events later in the year!!

Love + Light,

Nikki x

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Do not wait for the perfect time to do something you really want to do, because the reality is there may never me a "perfect" time. Take a chance and just DO IT!!

If you told me a year ago that I would have my own web site, my own blog, working on my own PR clients, holding events with over 100 attendants, doing my yoga teacher training and becoming a health coach changing lives all over the world I would of laughed out loud. I guess that’s because I was totally disconnected with my self and my true desires, I was living out of fear and just stuck with the “norm” way of living and making decisions with my head not my heart.

I am a classic dreamer, I am a natural born creative soul and I would come up with amazing ideas out of no where and with in a second BOM they would just be gone as I would just think of it all being “to hard” and a lot of self doubt would creep up.

So what I want to tell you is when you have these sheer moments of creative bliss or a thought to join a new course, to drop every thing and travel or even leave a job you hate with no bake up plan. Listen to your heart it will only guide you to greatness.

It is so easy to stick to your comfort zone but you will never learn a thing. In moments of fear, place your hand on your heart and close your eyes and connect with your intuition.

Ask your self: " What is my heart telling me to do, how do i want to feel?"

My life changed drastically when i stopped saying i would do something and just shut my mouth and did it. Now when i make a commitment i am fully aware of what i want and let the universe run its course to deliver every thing at the most perfect time.

We are all amazing in every single way, our bad days compliment the good days and we are constantly learning in the world so when opportunities arise just JUMP in and trust in your self and the universe that all will work out.

Love + Light,


Monday, 3 March 2014

Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt

As we say farewell to summer, we reflect on all the incredible moments we had under the sun, getting our daily dose of Vitamin D, being around good heart warming company and enjoying all the beauties of the ocean to cool us down. In Summer I breathe more clearly as the salty ocean breeze fills my lungs with fresh pure air. I also notice that my skin completely clears up and my complexion is smooth and bump free. This is no coincidence this is the beauty of SALT, and I will show you how to keep this feeling all year round!

The Benefits of a Himalayan Salt Lamp:

For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive a Himalayan Crystal Salt lamp. I had heard so much about them and was amazed at hearing some of the incredible health benefits. Place a Himalayan salt lamp in your home is like being at the beach as it draws in the moisture and surrounds you with pure, fresh air. Himalayan salt lamps act as an air ionizer. They increase the amount of beneficial negative ions in the air, counterbalancing the positive ion charge from electrical equipment. Place a Himalayan salt lamp near your computer, TV, radio or any other appliances and reap the following benefits… 

Improves sleep- helps people with insomnia

Has a healing effect on the body

Increases Chi

Boosts serotonin levels 

Eliminates allergens

Supports the immune system

Improves mental alertness

Promotes general well-being

( Warning, on humid days the salt lamp will leak salty water if it is not turned on, I had to learn this the hard way )

Himalayan Salt Lamp + Pink Salt Babe Scrub 

The Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt Scrub:

During summer I love a good scrub down at the beach, I literally pick up a hand full of sand and scrub my face and body, I can literally feel the salt sink into my skin and it feels fresh already. The only down fall with this little handy tip of mine is that I get weird looks, people think I am crazy, so to save the embracement and get your hands on the Himalayan Pink Salt Scrub from Babe Scrub: . I have been using this scrub all over my body and face and my skin feels smooth and crystal clear. Take a look at the benefits of the Pink Salt Babe Scrub:

Relaxes Muscles

Detoxify and polishes the skin

Evens skin tone

Boosts circulation to remove dead flaky skin, lines, lumps and bumps

High in Vitamin E to help soften the skin

Helps reduce redness and scaring.

So invite summer to stay in your life all year round by investing in these two little beauties, feel fresh, pure, calm, relaxed and SALTY thanks to Himalayan Pink Salt.

The beauty behind the beauty of Pink Salt from Babe Scrub

Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp:


Love + Light,

Nikki x