Sunday, 19 October 2014

Secrets To Powerful Growth

You know that old cliché saying, “What does not kill you makes you stronger”? Well those very words are true down to the core. Us as human beings in all our realness, our flaws and of course our beauty we ALL suffer pain, heart ache and loss in some form or another. Its how we deal with it and move forward is what really matters. To grow you must allow your self to heal, surrender drop the need to be something and dig deeper for a little insight to some inner work. Get to find out more about you and how your mind works, stop the self-criticism and face up to old limiting beliefs. Once you master this you will live the most incredible fearless life, I promise.

Life is simple what we give out we get back.

The law of attraction shows us that the energy you put of to the universe comes back to you in unique and brilliant ways. What we think becomes the truth. You are responsible for EVERYTHING in your life, the best and the worst. Do not play victim you have created every situation and event leading up to now.

The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences. No one has power over us, only our self.  The universe totally supports us and is on our side. Never blame society, don’t give your power to others, it will only deplete you and your power will fade and you will stall your growth.

State your power:

You are worthy and deserving of all that you have ever wanted, nothing is to big or to small. When my friends come to me with an idea, I say how much do you believe in this? Are you willing to pour your heart into this idea and if the answer is yes I say dream big, go touch the stars, I promise to cheer you on every step of the way.

If you want something be bold, clear and direct. Declare to your self and the universe what you want and know that it is already true. Example: “Universe I am going to live my life to the fullest, I am going to travel and explore the world, I am going to hold health and yoga retreats in exotic places and touch the lives of many”. State your power and know that it is true, when the time is right the universe will deliver. Remember thoughts become thing so believe and you will attract. 

The point of power is in the present moment:

Your past is now over and done with, what is true is this moment, you are the creator of your life, by the words you speak and the chatter in your head you are forming your experience for tomorrow, a week from now, a month and even a year from now. I have spent the last 4 years, working on the law of attraction, harnessing some power self belief and iv gotten to the stage that living in the moment and catching your negative thoughts and realigning them to a higher frequency is what has helped me to grow and heal. No that a thought can be changed, what you think is a big deal is actually not, you create the scenarios in your head, stop the mind reading, stop the constant need to control how you think and feel and just let it be. You know who you are, you know your values own that power and you will grow big and strong.