Sunday, 22 September 2013


Why do we get stressed?

Stress is a Desire of the Ego, there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world its your own thoughts that create these false beliefs. You can not package stress, you can not touch stress and you can not see it. When we think stressfully, we create reactions in the body, valuable messages or signals requesting our attention.

What are the SOS Signals of Stress?

The messages may be revealed through nausea, elevated blood pressure, stomach tension, indigestion, ulcers, head aches, in creased heart rate, difficult breathing, and a zillion other things. Most people will experience these signals of stress but why…

We create The stress in our lives:

You may hear people or even your self say things like “ I am having an anxiety attach” But the stress in your body is rarely the result of external forces, it is the result of the weakened connecting link to intention caused by your belief that your ego is who you are.

Why Ego and Stress Stands in the way off our own inner peace:

We are peace and joy, but we can allow our selves to be dominated by our Ego.. here is a short list of stress inducing thoughts that originate in your ego self:

  •  Its more important to be right than to be happy
  • Winning is the only thing. When you lose, you should be stressed
  • Your reputation is more important than your relation ship with the source
  •  Success is measured in dollars rather than in feeling happy and content
  • Being superior to others is more important than being kind to others

 In Dr Wayne W. Dyer’s book on “ The power of Intention” he tells a story on the Rule Number 6 and I wish I had read this sooner…

“ Two prime ministers are sitting in a room discussing affairs of state. Suddenly a Man bursts in apoplectic with fury, shouting and stamping and banging his fist on the desk. The resident prime minister admonishes him: “ Peter” he says, “ Kindly remember Rule Number 6,” Peter instantly restored to complete calm, apologizes and withdrawals. The Politian’s return to their conversation, only to be interrupted yet again twenty minutes later by an hysterical woman who was gesticulating wildly, her hair flying. Again the intruder is greeted with the words: “ Marie, please remember Rule Number 6.” Complete calm descends once more, and she too with drawls with a bow and an apology. The visiting prime minister addresses his colleague: “ My dear friend I have seen many things in my life, but never seen any thing as remarkable as this. Would you be able to share the secret of Rule number 6? “ Very simple” replies the resident prime minister. “ Rule Number 6 is … ‘ Don’t take your self so god dam seriously’. “ Ah” says the visitor. “ That is a fine rule” After a moment of pondering he ask. “and what, may I ask, are the other rules?”
“There aren’t any”

As you encounter Stress, Pressure or Anxiety remember Rule Number 6 and at that moment let go of what the Ego is saying and bring your self back in to a calm and relaxed state and for heavens sake “ Don’t take Your Self So God Dam Seriously” 

Nikki x

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