Tuesday 14 April 2015

Mind Body Stroll Event 2015

" I had a dream 3 years ago, to bring people together and show them that living a healthy life can be fun. It was a dream that turned much bigger and as a result we created a movement..." 

Enjoying the Ride...

Life has been an incredible journey so far, 9 months ago i was in a place that iy was hard to see any sort of light. I started listening to my own advise, to what my body wanted and in doing so i helped my self and others become unstuck.

The Mind Body Stroll Event has evolved in to so much more than just a wellness event. If you came on Saturday you would of experienced the magical energy that filled the room as we all came together to raise money for Beyond Blue.

The last two years putting this event on i was riddled with fear, anxiety and so scared of the judgment i may get from guests. This year after being in such a low months back i decided that i am going to make this ride so enjoyable.

I had loads of Support and Love !! From my man and my soul mate who sat with me emailing sponsors and packing the car to my amazing family and friends who gave me hugs and celebrated each high.

The day before i even squeezed in a nap, last years i remeber i was cured up in the car in Surry Hills crying to my yoga teacher about how i just can not go through with it, WOW how things have changed.

Together we Make a Change...

Thank you to my sponsors for making the event a HIT!! Together we raised: $1,430 for Beyond Blue.

Sponsors Include: F45, SUP Cronulla, Zaliah, IME Perfumes, H2coco, Asisa Hair, Bliss Day Spa, Seeking Balance, Kamuka Active, Puretopia, Bondi Sands, Maddie Page, Awaken Crystals, Linda Burke, The Iconic, Atmos&here, Roc Boots, Tiny Tea, Power Super Foods, Freedom Foods, Black Pantry, Rexona, Nicole Renee, Hypoxi Cronulla, Cronulla Pie Shop.

Here are some Memories of the Event. I have so much LOVE for all who came...

Love + Light,


Wednesday 4 March 2015

Why Letting Go Is So Life Changing

When all else fails, allow your soul to surrender...

We have a tendency to try and force an out come, we try to control how we want a certain situations to unfold. We build it up in our mind to be this huge ordeal but when things go a different way, you are then left feeling depleted and unmotivated, some times sick, filled with stress and anxiety and unable to push through or continue to think positively for the future. We hold on to fears, the heart break and the misfortune and instead of letting it go we cart it around with us and it starts to fill our minds and manifests into our bodies.

  • How much Shit Stuff are you carting around? 
  • How is holding on to the past helping you move forward?
  • Do you often compare your self to others, and put your self down?
  • Have you been through a hard time and its now your story you tell your self that only holds you back?
  • Do you have the same excuses and limiting beliefs from past trauma or experience? 
  • Is there a person or people in your life, who no longer fit the criteria to be a loving compassionate friend or partner? and do you have negative feelings towards him/her ?
  • Do you constantly ask your self, "What If" ? 
Its more than likely you have nodded along and said yes to at least one of these questions, and thats totally normal, you are only human and us humans need to constantly check in with our self every now and then so we can shift the shit. So now its time to drop the attachments, the fears, the (I am not good enoughs), and all the rest of the icky, heavy and unnecessary bull shit you have been carrying around. Release it, Surrender and let it GO. 

Letting Go does not mean giving in, or giving up...

When you choose to surrender to those inner thoughts and controlling ways you are telling the universe that all the energy that you have been holding onto no longer serves a purpose and you now let go of the negative pull that has been bringing you down. The universe responds in a loving way by showering you with love when you need it and allowing you space to lighten your load and step into freedom. 

Letting go does NOT mean you are giving up, or giving in. It simply means handing it over to a high power and letting the angles, spirits, god, universe, what ever you like to call it be in control now. You are saying "Let it Be". 

"What ever is good for you wont go past you, and what has gone past you was not meant for you" 

Grab your journal and jot down a list of all the things you want to let go of in return for some peace and clarity and inner divine guidance. Here are some examples to get your mind rolling... 

  •  I let go of not getting the job 
  • I let go of my past relationships and all the hurt it caused 
  • I let go of trying to be perfect 
  • I let go of all the nasty thoughts about my self
  • I let go of the fact he is not writing back
  • I let go of the need to control my boss
  • I let go of the need to be popular and loved 
The ego wants to hold on to every thing tight and the thought of letting go may cause you to have a nervous break down as we attach ourselves to a thought, a situation and people, when we let that go it can be scary but if you embrace it and send the ego self on a hike then beauty unfolds and only then will the universe be able to respond to your true desires. 

Remember the universe is on your side, it is not trying to fight against you. However at times it may feel that way and its only because your making it hard for your self. When you worry, complain, bitch, whinge and stress the universe can not hear your messages of your true desires clearly so in result they send back more of the same. By simply LETTING GO, you have open up new fresh ocean aired doors of your own life and they are allowing you to walk on through. 

How Surrendering Let Me Be Free...

Last Year I was in hospital (read my about me). It was a tough time, it was the place that went against the grain of my teachings and in this place i had to open my heart and surrender. Entering the hospital i had a busy schedule and the ego was taking over big time, wanting to achieve and succeed in my business straight away and it ended with me having massive adrenal fatigue and a diagnosis of a mental illness. So from going from busy to dropping all commitments and surrendering in hospital was a huge shift and it showed me how much we all need to take time out for our self. 

After I left hospital i was back to square one with no job and a new home. After weeks of surrender i was back to reality and oh boy was it overwhelming. The Ego mind came in as i would go have lunches with my girlfriends and we would all talk about what we are doing how was work and I was hiding in my seat, sinking back thinking "oh shit, I got nothing to give". I remember this urgency of finding a job and it took over my body. For hours i would look on seek and ask any one i knew if they were hiring. I was turning away from my true passion of teaching and healing just because i wanted and needed money and the ego status that i have my shit together. 

After a while this got exhausting and then i saw a simple quote from my girl Gabrielle Bernstein that said : "I Surrender it ALL". I was like WOW, huh i hear ya. I need to let go of this urgency, i am telling the universe that i am desperate and in return was getting unsuccessful job applications. 
So i said to the universe one night while i was journaling under a full moon. 

"Dear Universe, I let go. I know you have bigger plans for me and so I choose to be open to your opportunities and universal gifts. I am done with searching, I want to teach yoga, I want to work with people i love, I want to wake up every day and be inspired to go to work. I don't want to tire myself out before i even enter the work force again. So universe just a heads up I am letting go of the urgency of getting a job. I am excited to see what you have in store for me and cant wait to do work that i love" 

After I journaled i made a commitment to myself to stop checking my emails and phone and just keep on living and breathing just knowing that things will work out. 

And it did work out. The next morning i woke up and my mum joined me for breakfast and was filled with excitement as she had a great idea. She said "how about you open a yoga studio from home, we have plenty of space and you can teach and health coach from there". I said HELL YES!! and that was just one Miracle. On the same day my girl friend messages me saying her work is hiring for casual staff that fits right in with my schedule. and again i said HELL YESS. 

The moment i dropped the control and let it all go i had to beautiful miracles enter my world and was an answer to my prayers. So just remember to always believe and you will receive. 

Release + Letting Go Work Shops: 

My Release and Let Go Work Shop on the 18th of March has now been sold out. I am now receiving emails to potentially do a second work shop on the 25th of March. If i get enough interest i would love to take you through a heart opening meditation, yoga class and talk where we can make some real shifts to start to create a kick ass life. 

Email me: mirrormymanifest@gmail.com | if you are interested on the 25th March. 


Tuesday 27 January 2015

Rainy Days - Get Inspired- Top 5 Videos To Get You Motivated

The Weather in Sydney today is wet, rainy, cloudy, grey and ever so glorious. I remember i used to associate rainy days as being somber, sad, withdrawn, deflated, unmotivated and just "Blah". Ever since my days in hospital last year and having to fight through some really dark days, rainy days to me are filled with so much light and love, they remind me that storms pass, that we need to have the dark days so we can appreciate the light. 

When it rains I encourage you to look at the beauty instead of the faults. The sound of the rain, the smell of the rain, the colour of the trees and little things like enjoying a cup of tea in doors. 

Make todays rainy day your best, most inspiring, most loved up rainy day of all time. I am going to share with you my top 5 inspirational, motivational videos that i like to watch that help me get out of a "bad day" funk and back into my skin and feeling amazing.

"Miracles Now" - Gabrielle Bernstein

Miracles Now - Gabrielle Bernstein

"Your Thoughts Are Creating Your Reality"- Dr Wayne Dwyer:

Your Thoughts Are Creating Your Reality -Dr Wayne Dwyer

"The Party Girls Guide to Peace"- Tara Bliss

The Party Girls Guide to Peace

"Claire's Interview with Carolyne Gowen" - Claire Obeid

Meditation Interview with Claire and Carolyne

"The Path to Wellness" - Melissa Ambrosini 

The Path To Wellness: Melissa Ambosini

So when you feel the pull to un wind and embrace the rain, sit back and relax and get inspired with these juicy soulful videos. 


Monday 26 January 2015

How To "Peace Off" Your Haters

Ok, Lets just have a reality check for one moment. You are in control of your own health and happiness, you choose the people to surround your self with, you choose to believe in others words and stories, you decide what is right and whats wrong, you can alter and perceive others how ever you want to, and its inevitable that you may have some "haters" and thats totally cool, because not every one is going to love you, not every one is going to think your incredibly amazing like how you (should) view your self. 

Purge Toxic Relationships and Thoughts: 

For a moment just, STOP and think... Do you have loving, healthy, loyal, warm hearted and trust worthy relationships? Are you on good terms with your loved ones? What relationships in your life are you struggling with? Are you holding onto feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, blame and fear?  

Well its normal, its hard to not go through life and not step on peoples toes every once and a while, but its what you do next that counts, you can either forgive or you let it effect you for life. Do you hold grudges?, do you spread rumours  and bitch and continue the vicious cycle of anger and resentment? Well my friend you are only doing your self more harm than good. The more you hold onto these feelings the more you will cultivate more of the same, it will start to manifest in other relationships, and may cause disease in the body. 

Some times its best to reflect, take a step back and look at the situation from a different perspective, some times the relationship you are currently struggling may have run its course and your souls do not align so you gently give permission to release those negative feelings, forgive and move along. Purge the toxic negative thoughts you may have about your self and others in your life, send white light to those who may have hurt you, or wronged you in any way. when you send healing light to them then you are healing your self of letting it effect you. 

Leave the ego behind and be kind:

Firstly when you encounter a "hater", the ego wants to come out and play, the ego wants to win the fights and the mental battles, but the ego is not spirit, the ego can go take a hike because the ego only cares about how we look on the outside it does not come from a place of love and light. When a person attacks you, physically and verbally the ego wants to fight back but what i am telling you is to not retaliate, do not do any thing, either walk away from the situation, or speak your truth with kind loving words. 

Some one recently verbally abused me with negative words, I remember my whole body shutting down, and yep I had a bit of a cry(only human, right), but I didn't let ego retaliate instead I sent white light back to the person and removed my self from the situation. Through the argument the other person was trying to put me down in a way that was mimicking my spirituality or maybe making fun of my beliefs by saying in a *sarcastic tone "Namaste". And under my breathe i said namaste back, little did that person know that namaste means my soul honours your soul, i honour the love, light, kindness and beauty that is with in you. In that moment nothing else mattered, that was a gentle reminder to surrender, to not fight back with hurtful words, to give up being right and to simply walk away with out any negative thoughts or emotions on that person. We are all just souls in a physical body, external forces due from the ego causes fight and even war. Let go and see the other person through the eyes of the angels. 

Smile, Smile, Smile: 

Attach your self to no one, and nothing. Do not let others hold the key to your happiness, keep on smiling. Its our natural instincts to shoot an ugly stare at a person we do not like and being on the receiving end of that stare can be really disheartening, the goal of that person is to hurt us, confuse us and in most circumstances that is a success. Instead shoot back a smile, a genuine smile that says "you might not like me but i am ok with that, lots of love back to you, i am at peace with it". When you smile at some one who might not particularly like you it confesses the hell out of them and leaves them second guessing their own morals.

You Must Forgive so you can move on and really Live: 

Forgiveness is the most powerful thing that you can do for your physiology and your spirituality, and it remains one of the least attractive things to us, largely because our egos rule so unequivocally. Forgiveness means that you fill yourself with love and you radiate that love outward and refuse to hang onto the venom or hatred that was engendered by the behaviours that caused the wounds. No matter how much some one has hurt, for give that person. Through forgiveness you are putting down the gun you hold up against your own head. When you forgive you are free. The other person does not have to accept or even join in on the forgiveness and thats ok. Just remember that to truly start living, to let miracles into your life you have to forgive and let go. 

So, next time you encounter your own "hater" send them love, forgive them, smile at them, send beautiful white light and in the process you will "Peace them Off".

Namaste ;) 

Thursday 6 November 2014

Death Is My Biggest Motivator To Live Fully

Note to self: You WILL die!!

It’s the cold hard fact that leaves people afraid, cringing and usually a topic we like to avoid. Recently a group of my girl friends sat down and we brought up the topics that have been floating around lately. The terrorist threats, war and the dreaded Ebola virus.  My girlfriends expressed how concerned they are for there safety and that they are scared that they may die. I do agree that the current events that are going on in the world are a harsh reality of the madness of human kind and a battle of egos.

However the topic of death for me is a different story. When I am reminded that my time on earth is limited. I will die one day, I may not know how or when or any of the details but yes one day I will pass over and that my friends is comforting to me. 

My girl friends thought I was crazy that I was smiling while talking about death, I understand that death may be painful or sad but it’s a fact that we all will go through it. It’s the one thing we all have in common.  But why be scared of something when you can not change or control it?

So here are my 3 reasons to embrace death and live fully:

1. Wake up each morning and be thankful for being alive and well:

We are lucky to be living here on this earth, in times of hardship, doubt and worry what I like to do is place my hand on my chest, close my eyes and connect in with my breathe. I feel my beating heart through my chest and it’s a reminder that I am alive, and I have been put on this earth for a reason. Give thanks for each beautiful day it’s a blessing.

2. Love with all your heart and don’t apologies for it.

Speak from the depths of your heart, if you love some one, tell them and scream it from the rooftops. Its never to late to tell people how you really feel. Get uncomfortable, be real and speak your truth, being vulnerable is the most incredible feeling.

3. Dare to chase your BIG dreams.

Don’t play it safe, get risky, dream big, get of the scale big, I mean really explore your horizons. We all have the power to be incredible humans, which we all hold individual talents just waiting to emerge. Only a few of us reach our potential greatness as the rest of us stay in our comfort zone of what we know is possible and our limits of living that we created with our own minds. All the great thinkers were the crazy, wild and free ones who laughed at the thought of death and took the risks. Next time you choose to dream big and take the leap just remind your self that one day you will die, so you may as well go for it!!!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Secrets To Powerful Growth

You know that old cliché saying, “What does not kill you makes you stronger”? Well those very words are true down to the core. Us as human beings in all our realness, our flaws and of course our beauty we ALL suffer pain, heart ache and loss in some form or another. Its how we deal with it and move forward is what really matters. To grow you must allow your self to heal, surrender drop the need to be something and dig deeper for a little insight to some inner work. Get to find out more about you and how your mind works, stop the self-criticism and face up to old limiting beliefs. Once you master this you will live the most incredible fearless life, I promise.

Life is simple what we give out we get back.

The law of attraction shows us that the energy you put of to the universe comes back to you in unique and brilliant ways. What we think becomes the truth. You are responsible for EVERYTHING in your life, the best and the worst. Do not play victim you have created every situation and event leading up to now.

The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences. No one has power over us, only our self.  The universe totally supports us and is on our side. Never blame society, don’t give your power to others, it will only deplete you and your power will fade and you will stall your growth.

State your power:

You are worthy and deserving of all that you have ever wanted, nothing is to big or to small. When my friends come to me with an idea, I say how much do you believe in this? Are you willing to pour your heart into this idea and if the answer is yes I say dream big, go touch the stars, I promise to cheer you on every step of the way.

If you want something be bold, clear and direct. Declare to your self and the universe what you want and know that it is already true. Example: “Universe I am going to live my life to the fullest, I am going to travel and explore the world, I am going to hold health and yoga retreats in exotic places and touch the lives of many”. State your power and know that it is true, when the time is right the universe will deliver. Remember thoughts become thing so believe and you will attract. 

The point of power is in the present moment:

Your past is now over and done with, what is true is this moment, you are the creator of your life, by the words you speak and the chatter in your head you are forming your experience for tomorrow, a week from now, a month and even a year from now. I have spent the last 4 years, working on the law of attraction, harnessing some power self belief and iv gotten to the stage that living in the moment and catching your negative thoughts and realigning them to a higher frequency is what has helped me to grow and heal. No that a thought can be changed, what you think is a big deal is actually not, you create the scenarios in your head, stop the mind reading, stop the constant need to control how you think and feel and just let it be. You know who you are, you know your values own that power and you will grow big and strong.

Sunday 14 September 2014

The Importance of Self-Belief

Today I feel inspired to let you in on my own journey of how I have gotten o where I am today. Working for my self as a Health Coach and Yoga Teacher, putting on Wellness Events and living each day with a grateful heart and a loved up soul.

Firstly let me tell you it was never easy, I faced a lot of fear, anxiety and self doubt before I came to the realization that I need to play big to receive big. That’s when I choose to stop with the itty bitty shitty comity in my head and I started to cultivate some serious self belief.

Its been a year since I quit my full time jobs in Public Relations, it was one of those moments when the light bulb switch turned on so bright the light shown through my pours like sun beams in summer. My intuition was screaming at me “Leave Nikki! We have big beautiful plans for you if you only trust and follow your intuition”. So as I went in headfirst completely blind folded and shit scared I started my journey of self discover, of healing, of self love and of course self belief.

Don’t Listen to you parents, and your friends don’t know SHIT:

My biggest lesson is to don’t ask or tell people about your ideas, especially your parents. Parental figures and friends want you to play it safe, that don’t want to see you fail so they rather wrap a bandage over you to protect you from any fall, so they may tell you things you don’t want to hear. I learned the hard way of constantly trying to get approval form my family and friends, it was like a sales pitch, me trying to explain to people what I wanted to achieve. They then all chimed in giving me their opinion, their advice and offering their concerns or help. It made me take steps back never forward, it made me feel like my dreams were to big and unachievable. It got to the point where I was fed up with the charade so I choose to take action, because we all know actions speak louder than words right?

So when my intuition was in full swing I just went with it. When I woke up one morning and my intuition told me to sign up for my yoga teacher training, by the end of the day I was enrolled in a course and starting in less than 1 month. When I had an idea for a wellness event, with in an hour I had a face book page up with over 500 invited and sponsors already emailing me to get involved. Now I don’t just think or speak I just DO. Yes fear creeps up and I whip out my sword and slay that bitch to rest, because all the fear is just in my head.

When you believe in your self, you can achieve any thing:

When you walk your talk and live and breathe your passion and purpose, it shows. People look at your glow and say “I want what she’s having”. Do not jump into something just for the money or the image, start something that means a lot to you, serve in a way that’s authentic to your true self. Find that passion, that burning desire to do good things that ignite a spark in your life. Know your shit, never stop learning. You will always be a student in this lifetime, you will always be learning and growing. You will not always know the right answers but you know what you love. If you believe in your self and believe in what you do, you will be a success.