Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Beginners Guide to Affirmations

If you don’t know me by now, you should probably know that I am an affirmations junkie, I have to get my daily hit of a positive affirmation each day, it is my drug and with out it I will crumble.
I started practicing my own affirmations over 2 years ago after I experienced a very low point in my life. Affirmations not only changed the way I thought but the more I said these affirmations and the more I started to truly believe them, they started to manifest into my life.

Last year I was working in an amazing agency, like any job some times people would turn up to work happy other days they would be in a mood. I started picking up on this pattern and decided to send morning affirmations around the office to lift the spirits. It sure did work I was getting requests to send them each morning and soon I had a subscription list of about 65 people from all over Australia and even parts of the world.
I would get amazing feedback saying that I have helped people change lives and inspired so many souls. After starting a new job and juggling a few hobbies I started to go of track and sadly ended my subscription ( for now) this is one of the reasons why I started Mirror My Manifest so I could have an open forum for all to visit when ever they need an inspiration hit.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short and sharp sentences that expresses how we want to FEEL, and what we want to ATTRACT into our life. They are the building blocks to changing our minds from a negative frequency to a more lightened and positive frequency. Affirmations are practiced all over the world and taught by some of my favorite authors, teachers and spiritual leaders like Louise L Hay, Dr Wayne Dwyer and many more.

I have a few pointers to get you on your way to creating your very own affirmations, here you go…

Positive is Key:

All affirmations must be positive, if it is any thing but positive you will attract negative energy and know body wants that. Keep them happy and full of love.

Be in the Present:

Keep your affirmations in the present; if you focus on the future your affirmations will not come true as they will always stay in the future. Be in the NOW when you think.

Say it like a broken record:

For an affirmation to work you can’t just say it that one time and expect miracles to work. Hell no buddy you got to repeat, repeat, repeat until you believe and know that what you are saying is true. You might feel stupid you might feel out of your comfort zone, but don’t worry its normal, you will see more results if you stick to your first intention.  Rule of thumb repeat and affirmation up to 10 times morning and night and go from there.

Make it Fun:

Affirmations can be lots of fun, you get to pick and choose how you want to live out your day or what you want to attract into your life, so get creative open up that pretty brain of yours and think about what you really want in life. Do you want a new job? A house? A relationship? Then make your affirmations around what you WANT and just have fun.

Here are some examples of affirmations for different scenarios.

  •       Attracting Love: “ My life is filled with endless amounts of love, I see love where ever I go and it flows into my life”

  •        Attracting a job: “ I have limitless amounts of job opportunities, I choose to attract a job full of love and abundance”

  •        Attracting Money: “ Money flows into my bank account effortlessly, my world is filled with abundance and I can attract all that I want and need”

Have fun with this, its not going to be easy but stick with it. If you need help with your own personal affirmations I am more than happy to help, please contact me at

Have fun manifesting your dreams and goals.

Love + Light


Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Manifesto Corner With Claire Obeid

Lets go back to the start of my journey:

My journey of spirituality and wellbeing begun at a very young age, I had an inner “knowing” that I was brought to this earth as a spiritual being to help others and to express love. Even though my inner self knew this I started to fall into the trap of society and how we “should” live our lives, by getting a well-paid job, earing money and building my education. Even though these steps are important in life they aren’t everything and along the way I sacrificed what I valued and my beliefs for a job, a relationship, an event and the list goes on.

I have been working in Public Relations for the last two years and worked in some amazing agencies with beautiful people, don’t get me wrong I love PR I get to meet incredible people, it is very rewarding and challenging and can be a lot of fun at times. However I always felt stuck and that the career I was in was never good enough, I felt something was missing. I soon realized that the something that was missing was my most important value, my spirituality, my love for wellness, my passion for life and my drive for balance. I knew I had to make a change; I wanted to still hold on to my love for PR but spread my wings and open my self up to different avenues. In 1 month with the help from Claire from The Wellness Project [] my life changed dramatically and my life is finally stepping into the direction I want it to go.

Why I LOVE Claire Obeid:

A work friend introduced me to Claire and her web site and every day since then I fell in love with her blog posts and her videos and everything that she was talking about it was exactly how I was thinking.

Claire and me have a few things in common:

-       We are both an Aquarians
-       We both worked in Public Relations
-       We both study at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition  
-       We have both struggled with our own heart conditions
-       We are both spiritual beings living out this human experience
-       We both have a passion for wellness and helping others.

How working with Claire gave me the push that I needed:

For months I had been following The Wellness Project and I finally took the plunge and set up 1-1 coaching sessions with Claire. At the time I felt like my life couldn’t be more perfect and I thought I was at a happy place, little did I know I was hiding a lot of anger, frustration and fear that was holding me back from every thing that I truly wanted.

Words cannot explain my first session with Claire, I walked in to her home feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and full of fear and she could see it in my eyes that I was wired. Claire encouraged me to plant my feet on the ground to be connected to the earth and we begun to explore EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as tapping. With Claire by my side we tapped through the pressure points while I let out all my fears and physical pain. Things came to the surface like my old job, past relationships and past events I would tap into these memories and feel them lift away from me as I would start to surrender. The feeling of EFT is like you are floating above your body that all your senses go quiet and you are in complete stillness. Claire teaches EFT so make an appointment with her if you want to dive deeper into it. []

I left my first session with tears running down my face, but with a high spirit that I know that things are about to change. It took me 2 hours to drive home, not because there was traffic but because I felt drunk from EFT I couldn’t see, I couldn’t hear I was still floating (Note to self don’t EFT and drive)

My second session with Claire I was full of high spirits, in the three weeks since I last saw her, I had quit my job, I had started yoga, I had enrolled at IIN and I had started Mirror My Manifest. To say that EFT and my session with Claire worked that wouldn’t be giving this health coach enough credit. Claire gave me the push to accomplish this and I am forever grateful.

I consider Claire a good friend, I have enjoyed her ebook on Surrender, I am currently enjoying her ecourse The Freedom Project [] and I am still a follower of The Wellness Project

I have asked Claire a few fun questions to inspire you...

Whats your favourite quote?

Right now my favourite quote is:

“Something amazing happens when we
surrender and just love. We melt into another
world, a realm of power already within us.
The world changes when we change. The world
softens when we soften. The world loves us
when we choose to love the world.”
– Marianne Williamson

What’s your favourte song you love to belt out?

I’m not much of a singer – I prefer to bust it out, dancing till it hurts, but right now it’s “Daft Punk – Lose Yourself to Dance’.

What do you hope to reflect and manifest in to your life? 

I hope to always manifest a life that is in directly alignment with my soul essence – a life of passion, purpose, connection and love!

Please visit Claire at The Wellness Project:

Face Book:


Love + Light,


Sunday 27 October 2013

Refresh your Self with C Coconut Water

Summer, Salty air, Ocean breeze, Palm trees swaying in the wind while you lay in the sun and the sand covers your toes you decide to grab a refreshment, you need something fresh, tasty cold and organic, what ticks all the boxes is C Coconut Water, 100 % organic and 100 % addictive. 

Coconut Water is totally trending for all the best reasons, it has amazing health benefits including boosting the immune system, aiding circulation, fights stress, clears the skin of break outs, and it can minimise fatigue. C Coconut water is different from the rest as it has no added sugar as it is from fresh, real and ripe coconuts that have been packaged for our consumption. 

I love to mix my C Coconut Water with my fresh juices in the morning, My favourite recipie is a green juice using coconut water for a fresh clean taste:

Green Lean Coconut Juice Recipe:

- Appel 
- Banana
- Kale
- Spinich 
- Chai Seeds
- C Coconut Water

Blend with ice and drink in the sun shine. 

 C Coconut Water  is available from over 1,000 health and food outlets in Australia and online at Best served chilled. 

Nikki. x

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Summer Snack By Slim Secrets

Some of you might not know this fun fact about me but from the moment i was born i was a skinny, malnourished baby that was slowly dying and no one new why. For a health baby they should have an iron level at about 15-30 and my iron level was at an all time low (1). My dad ( who is a doctor) had no idea and even said "we will find out what is wrong with her in the autopsy" 

Luckily my mother did some digging and found Celiac Disease, i was put on a gluten free diet and in days i was gaining weight and starting to become a healthy and happy child. 

I have always struggled with my gluten free diet and over the last few years i have just ignored it all together, leaving me feeling sick, rundown and lacking in energy. I could never find gluten free foods that tasted yummy and its only taken me 22 years until Slim Secrets landed at my door step and greeted me with a delicious bar filled with all the good stuff, i have found a snack that makes my tummy happy, that is healthy for me and that also dose not leave me in the fettle position. 

Why Slim Secrets is my my new BF4L:

Well for starters they taste amazing, they are filled with fruits, nuts, grains and so much goodness i cant believe something that tastes so good is so dam healthy. The New Slim Secrets Daily Fibre Power Bar is something you must try and keep in your hand bag incase of hunger emergencies. The new Slim Secrets Daily Fibre Power Bar is packed with wholesome seeds, Goji and Tahini to keep you full for longer, boost your fibre intake and reduce bloating. If your not sold on that then maybe this will tempt your taste buds..

  • Gluten Free
  • High in Fibre 
  • High source of Protein & Omega 3
  • NOTHING artificial 
  • And did i tell you they taste good too!!

We can find it hard getting enough protein into our diets, so thank you Slim Secrets for creating such a healthy snack to maintain our overall health. Please remember that healthy eating along with exercise and drinking water we can all achieve a healthy life style. 

Slim Secrets Daily Fibre Power Bar is stocked online at, at selected Woolworths, selected health food stores & Pharmacies and valued at $2.95

Go out and grab a snack that your body will thank you for.

Nikki. x

Sunday 20 October 2013

Your Values Drive your Purpose

We all have those moments in our life that we go searching for our true purpose, finding that passion and that spark to dedicate our lives to. Some people know from a very young age others find them self exploring for years, and some people leave this earth still unsure what there real purpose is. To make it clear to you, we ALL have a purpose, we all have a spark and a drive for something that is unique to us. 

Define your Hierachy of Values:

We all live our lives by a set of priorities from the "Hierarchy of Values" When ever you feel like your life is missing something you may notice a strong desire to fill the void by a particular value. These are the seven areas:

  • Spiritual ( Connection or cause )
  • Mental ( Intellect or Knowledge )
  • Vocational ( career success )
  • Financial ( Wealth )
  • Familial ( Relationships )
  • Social ( Connections and friendships) 
  • Physical ( Well- being and vitality ) 
Living truthfully with your authentic hierarchy of values increases the likelihood of discovering your purpose and living a fulfilling and meaningful life. You make every decision through what you value from what you spend your money on to what you spend your spare time doing consists of doing what you "value" as your highest priority. 

What you "Value" Determines your "Purpose"

For example i value my Spirituality i spend money on books, meditation CDs and spiritual courses, when i have spare time i read, meditate and research spiritual practises, for me "Spiritual" value is a high priority for me. My boy friend values his "Vocational" values as he wants to strive for career success and growth in business. We all have different values, we all light up when we are talking about our highest values and we switch off when we are talking about our lowest values. 

Find the values that you rank highly on your list, discover what your prioritise and from this list it will show you what you should be doing as a career. 

Write your Purpose Statement: 

A purpose statement is helpful as it can determine what you want to dedicate your life to, it is a statement that already exists in your life and where you want to head in the future. 

How to Write a Purpose Statement:
  • Open a new document on your computer- examine your hierarchy of values 
  • Recall the moments in your life that has inspired you the most
  • Look at the common themes or characteristics in your Heroes or the people you look up to. 
  • Name the most meaningful actions you've taken in your career path.
  • Based on these notes you can write your Purpose Statement. 
This is my Purpose Statement to go off:

" I hereby declare before my self and the universe that my purpose in life is to dedicate myself to being a passionate health coach and to be a mentor to teenage girls to help them find confidence and their passion in life. It is my destiny to travel the world setting foot unpon every country on the face of the earth, sharing my teachings and stories with likeminded people and assisting people in living a inspiring and amazing life" 

Its very liberating writing your purpose statement down and it also motivates you to go out and fulfil your dreams.

I hope i have inspired you,

Happy Monday.


Sunday 13 October 2013

5 Tips for a Happy and Awesome Life

Being happy is a state of mind, we have days that we wake up on the wrong side of the bed and others we wake up on the right side, the only difference from one or the other is our own mind and our constant inner chatter that can sway us from being happy or being miserable., or the sheer fact that it is Monday Morning…

When ever I get in a slump or a bad mood I get my self out of it by these simple and easy tips:

1. Gratitude:

Listing the things that you already HAVE in your life and giving thanks for them can make you feel pretty darn happy, we tend to focus on things that we don’t have and continually beat our self up , rather than focusing on what we do have.  Say it out loud or write it down on a piece of paper all the things your grateful for, like being healthy, being alive, having a loving family, having a place to come home to, having supporting friends, and the list goes on. Don’t be afraid to tell the people you love how grateful you are for them, it can truly make some ones day.

Have you ever heard of a gratitude walk? Well its simple you go walking and list in your head all the things you are grateful for over and over again. Exercise boosts your mood and thinking positive and grateful thoughts leaves you feeling full of life.

2. Laughter:

Remembering rule number 6: “Don’t take your self so god dam seriously”  we can find laughter in just about any thing, life shouldn’t always be serous, lighten up and crack a joke. Here are a few reasons why you should stop frowning and laugh more:

  •       Laughter reduces certain stress hormones
  •       Laughter improves alertness, creativity and memory
  •      Laughter is a great work out for the Abs

To me laughter sounds like the BEST medicine . . .

3.Random Acts of Kindness:

If your having a bad day its most likely you are caught up in your own self and thinking of “me, me, me”. A random act of kindness is a great way to stop the selfish behavior and do something for some one else.  Here are some ways you can show random acts of kindness:

  •      Next time at the coffee shop buy the coffee for the next customer who comes in
  •      Let the person behind you at the grocery store in front of you
  •      Give some one your time.
  •      Cook a meal for a homeless person
  •      Write a note to a friend who needs it
  •      Compliment a stranger

4.Eat Your way to Happiness:

I was once told that if you had to change any thing to improve your mood and de stress it was change your diet. Fill your body with rich nutritious foods and increase the veggies. Here are a some foods that  can increase your mood and make you happy:

  •      Bananas: high in amino acids, which trigger the body to produce tryptophan. Tryptophan is essential because it stimulates the "feel-good" hormone, serotonin.
  •      Seafood: Tuna, Salmon, Prawns ect all have Omega 3 and contains B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and zinc, which "help those processes in the brain to make you feel good".
  •      Chocolate:  This can improve your mood and alleviate symptoms of depression, only limit your self to a few pieces and go for the Dark Chocolate, high in antioxidants.

5.Move that Body:

Exercise and fitness can seem like a chore to most people but to others it’s a way of life, either way we all need to just get up of the couch and move our bodies, even if its just a brisk walk, a yoga class, a dance lesson or a run, it’s a known fact that exercise can reduce the risk of chronic disease, helps maintains a healthy weight, fastens up our metabolism and release happy hormones from the body.

When we exercise the body releases endorphins, feel good neutotransmitters, that results in good mood and can kick signs of stress, anxiety and depression.

So move and shake that body into a happy healthy self!!

I hope you enjoyed these 5 tips and get ready to live a Happy and Awesome life.
