Monday 27 January 2014

Why you should LOVE more!

Harness the power of Love this New Year:

The universal law of Love is shared by millions around the world, with out Love we would not be born; we would not have jobs, the world we live in world probably not exist. Love gives us meaning and makes the world spin, so you must make sure that you are projecting love through every aspect of your life so you can have the best life yet.

We are put on this earth to have an amazing fulfilling life! We are meant to experience every love we desire. If you want to travel the world then you are meant to travel the world, if you want to start your own business then you are meant to start your own business, your relationships should be filled with love, your life should be abundant and your work should be fulfilling.

Many of us get caught up with day-to-day stressors that result in a lack of love.  The universe is a powerful source as it picks up any frequency from positive energies to negative energies, when you are showing love to others, your self, your job and the world then more love will come back into your life and more good things will follow. When you are negative and showing a lack of love more negative things will get in your way, like bills, bad relationships and the list goes on. Its time to invite more love into your life this New Year . . .

Morning Love Ritual:

Each morning we awake we are standing at the top of our day, we have the decision for our day to play out positively or negatively so we choose to be in a state of awareness as we begin to harness that power of love.

Morning Love Affirmations:

While you begin to wake up, you can say out load or in your head a beautiful affirmation filled with love.

·      “ My life is filled with love, I breath in love and I breath out love”
·      “ I am surrounded by unconditional love, I choose to express love to others and in return love will come back to me multiplied”
·      “ I deeply and Completely Love and Accept my self”

Say it multiple times so it sticks In your head and you know that it is the complete truth. Say these affirmations with a loving heart and a smile on your face.

Morning Gratitude List:

Giving love to the people, places, things in your life that you are grateful for can be a very uplifting tool. By noticing all the good in your life you are telling the universe that you allow more good to flow back to you multiplied. Each morning grab a note pad and pen, and create a small list of what you are grateful for that day.

·      I am grateful for my home
·      I am grateful for my health
·      I am grateful for my job
·      I am grateful for my family
·      I am grateful for the money in my bank account

Give love to your body from the inside out:

When we rise out of bed one of the first things we do is feed our bodies. Our bodies are about to embark on a long day and need to be filled with nutritious food that leaves us with bundles of energy that helps us live out the day.  Listen to what your body needs and allow time to whip together a delicious and wholesome breakfast, here are a few quick easy breakfast ideas that your body will LOVE:

·      Rolled Oats, with Blue Berries and Coconut
·      Boiled Eggs, with Spinach, Tomato & Basil
·      Muesli with Greek yogurt and berries

Remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make it a meal full of love and leaves your tummy happy.

 By doing this quick and easy morning ritual this new year, you will fill a significant shift in your world and start to notice more love coming back in your life.

A Few things that i am LOVING:

Lulu Lemon Yoga Mat + Kikki K Wellbeing Diary 

The Body Shop Coco Nut Oil 

Soma Bite Goji Berry + Chia (SO Yum) 

Swisse Green Powder (I add it to all my Juices and Smoothies ) 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Why Me + The Corporate World don't Mix

So life plays out a bit like this, we are born into a world of imagination as a child; we explore, wander and create. We start to grow up and we are told to stop dreaming and start thinking, to concentrate more in school, get good grades so we can go to college. 
Most kids after high school have no clue what they want to do, and with the pressure of parents and teachers they fall into a course that has no interest to them and as a result spend 5 years studying and dreading each day. After uni, they are ready for the big bad world, and get a huge reality check when their “dream job” is them running after for other people, to try and climb the corporate ladder. 

For some people the corporate life style is for some people and yes that’s great. But for the others, the dreamers, the believers the lovers of life, this can sometimes be a struggle. As we are molded into what society wants/ tells us to be and do, we slowly start to shift our focus away from what we really want to do with our life and what makes us happy. 

Not every one is fit for the corporate world and that’s ok. But it’s finding out what you LOVE to do that can unlock the key to an amazing career and a kick ass life.

3 reasons why me + corporate don’t mix:

1.Cant stand the office politics:

Many people in business are trying to climb that corporate ladder, race to get the next pay rise, and push their way for a bonus. Many people do not care who they step on, they will bitch, back stab, whine, complain and carry on until they get there own way.  It is in my blood to treat people with respect, and working in a company with strong office politics and antics, I was rubbed the wrong way to many times that I had to step back and say to my self. “ So Nikki, if these people aren’t valuing you, then how will you value your self?”  

2. Caffeine fuelled work place

One of my highest values is my health and overall wellbeing. Working in business (not all) but many employees are run on multiple cups of coffee, red bulls and jam packed sugary snacks and drinks. I find it so ironic when people come into work, guzzling down on a coffee and then complaining that they got no sleep the night before. People are constantly searching for energy through out the day so they increase caffeine and sugar intake then when they try to get to sleep they cant and often suffer from insomnia, but really it is just a result of this vicious cycle of caffeine. This then results in crazy moods swings and puts pressure on your health.

3.Concrete Jungle mayhem:

When I close my eyes and picture my perfect work place I see my self surrounded by nature, green trees every where to fill my lungs with pure rich oxygen, big open windows and maybe a hammock hanging by some palm trees, ready for me when I need a mini relaxing break.  The Big City is filled with tall high-rise buildings, pollution, traffic, fast food, constant air conditioning and the list goes on. I remember working in the city, I would never be able to see the sun, or to even open up a window for fresh air.  From summer through to winter we had the air con on the whole time; it felt like I was working in an artificial environment. I think as I am a water sign, I am very effected by my surroundings, from the people to the type of environment. I know I am most creative and most productive when I am amongst Mother Nature and all its glory.

My Balance of Yin + Yang:

I still work in Business, as a PR freelancer, and my values still stand strong. I work for people and companies who I love and really have a strong connection with, and who respect me as a PR professional.  I work hard but I continue to stand by my values of looking after my health and wellbeing. I manage my time wisely and find time to do the things I love. I balance my yin + yang by eating nutritious foods, working from home, yoga practice and meditating.

I ditched the corporate world and I am now in a beautiful place of  “balance”. From PR, to Health Coaching and becoming a Yoga Instructor I continue to follow my values, and to live out my best life yet.


Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Manifesto Corner - Laura Dundovic

Photo: Cameron Grayson for InStyle

Inspiring, drop dead gorgeous and ever so humble, model and Myer ambassador Laura Dundovic drops in to the Manifesto Corner for a Q&A with me. We get talking about her life in the spot light and how she keeps grounded, motivated as she continues to live out her dream.  

So tell us a little bit about what inspires you? What makes you feel bright and shinny and full of love?

I am inspired most by other people. Some people amaze me with how incredible they are in every area of there life and prove that if you want something you can make it happen if you work hard enough. Music makes me bright, shiny and full of love. I have a terrible voice but know the lyrics to every song and love singing. I always have music playing even while I sleep! 

What has been a huge learning curve through out your career?And how has it shaped you to be the person you are today?

I think with what I do for work there are a lot of ups and downs and I used to get thrown around a bit by them. I have learnt not just in work but in other areas of my life to take every day as it comes and enjoy the moment. 

What is your favorite quote and how does it resonate with you?

I couldn't give you just one. I love quotes. 

How do you keep grounded when you are constantly in the media spot light?

My family takes care of that! Haha

You recently attended the Cosmopolitan Fearless Female Awards, what does it mean to you to be a fearless female?

I think being a fearless woman is knowing who you are and being proud of it and knowing what you want and having the motivation to get it.

If you could go back in time what advice would you give your 17 year old self?

Stress less! I was a chronic worrier and have since learnt it doesn't change the situation!

Share with us your favorite health and wellness tip?

I think mixing up exercise is important. It works different muscles and keeps it fun!

What is one word that describes you?


Follow Laura on Instagram for inspiring posts: @lauradundovic 

Love + Light,

Nikki x

Tuesday 7 January 2014

My Journey with The Freedom Project E Course

As some of you may already know i took part in a the Freedom Project in 2013. A 9 week E Course by Claire Obeid from The Wellness Project: 

Do you have limiting beliefs? 
Do you have fears that are holding you back from achieving your best life yet? 
Do you feel a tight grip on control, judgment, blame and attachments?
Do you want to live a life that is full of freedom and limitless living? 
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions then The Freedom Project (TFP) is calling your name.

My journey with The Freedom Project was a real life changer, i discovered things about my self i never thought existed. Recently Claire sent me a few questions to get me to reflect on my journey with TFP and i thought i would share it with my beautiful followers. I answered these questions with total honesty and wore my heart on my sleeve so i can show others how incredible and inspiring this beautiful designed E course is.

My Journey of Self Love & Limitless Living thanks to The Freedom Project 

Why did you join The Freedom Project?

After having two health coaching sessions with Claire, i could feel an instant shift in my energy, my mood, my health and my overall wellness. I knew i had a lot to work on as i still felt control, judgment, and blame and couldn't fully embrace freedom and surrender. The Freedom Project was calling my name, and i felt it in my heart to join and be apart of the journey to freedom and limitless living.

What were you hoping to experience/achieve through TFP?

I was hoping the freedom project could help me tackle the big fears that have been holding me back. I wanted to gain clarity on my true desires and was hoping the Freedom Project would direct me in that direction.

What was your experience like within the course?

Firstly having a FB group community of beautiful like minded women was such a huge support, It is a safe place to come and open up, there is no judgment and total love on that face book page and it helps to know that others are experiencing the same fears as you. The first few weeks i dove in blind folded i put my whole heart into the course and i was going through some huge changes, i just quit my full time job in PR, i just started studying at IIN to become a health coach. TFP made me face my fears, i wanted to ignore these fears my whole life but they kept coming up. I realized i had to tackle them and so i did i spent days journaling, crying, meditating and drifting off on my long walks until i was at peace with each fear and i could feel my whole body getting lighter. 

The course was structured beautifully; each task on the work sheets complimented the next as it all tied in together. The workload is manageable and flexible as Claire encourages you to work through it on your own time, so it helped me slow down on the parts where i needed more attention.
 I would do the meditation every Monday and the webinar on Tuesdays were a real mind opener. The honesty Claire showed as she opened up to us about her personal experiences made it that much easier for us to relate. 

What were some big wins/a-ha moments?

The biggest win i had been with my father. My father is a doctor and is closed minded when it comes to holistic health and wellbeing, from a young age the moment i would get sick, stressed or showed signs on anxiety dad had medication for it. With my coaching sessions with Claire she went through EFT and i noticed such a change in my physical and emotional pain. Through out TFP and doing the meditation i knew that training your mind could benefit your health and wellness. 

Dad came home stressed, sick, run down and in a lot of physical pain one night, i asked him if i could practice EFT on him and he said "why not try any thing i am exhausted". Dads pain was at a high 10 before we started tapping, during our tapping dad kept nodding off to sleep and when he woke up his eyes filled with tears as he told me he felt no physical or emotional pain and went to bed that night and slept a good 8 hours after weeks of sleepless nights. To have my father who is set in his own ways and wasn't fully supportive of what i am learning to change full circle and give me all of his support was magical. 

Another A-huh moment was during the webinar with Claire as she was talking about how the people around you are the reflections of your self, i started noticing when i felt scared or worried about something, then my boy friend or my family would reflect that to me. I started becoming aware of this and saw the change when i started feeling sure of my self, happy, positive and excited i was reflected these feelings back from the people around me. 

What were some challenging moments?

A huge challenging moment was to face my fears that i have kept in the closet for so long, the ones that i wanted to pretend that never happened. It was emotional, it was draining but it needed to happen to get to me i am today. 

What has been your biggest and most profound shift?

Claire once said to me that no one knows where he or she will be in a week’s time, a months time a years time, we can not predict what the future holds. I feel that i was forcing, controlling so much in my life, i wanted to be in charge of how my life played out. The biggest shift was letting go of the steering wheel of life and letting life guide me, letting opportunities come my way and acting on intuition rather than ego. (i am crying while i write this) I know in my heart that what ever life offers me it will be for a reason, it will be positive and the universe will guide me every step i take. 

I have dropped control, i have dropped judgment in my life, i have faced my fears, i have let go of the grip on attachments and i have seen crystal clear clarity. I no longer have the fog over my eyes, i no longer think with my ego, i live through my heart and it has shown me a life that i really enjoying living. (ahhh still crying) 

What has been the major out-taking for you?

The biggest out take from this project will be noticing when i am trying to "control" and instead "soften" to show love over judgment, and to meditate regularly it is so good for the mind. 

 Would you recommend this course to others and if so, why? 

YES! I feel that this E course needs to be in the hands of every woman in Australia and even the world. This course has changed my life and i am living out the most juicy and fulfilling life possible and it’s thanks to this beautiful E course and the support of Claire. Each week we dive into a new topic that helps you clear and blocks and frees you from what’s been holding you back. So many people are living with a huge wall up and i think its time to break it down, join in on the freedom project and see your full potential. It is mind opening, it is heart warming and it is the best thing i have done for my self in 2013. 

If you feel that The Freedom Project will help you clear those blocks and open your mind to an amazing life then make sure you visit The Freedom Project Web Site below and take a look at Claire's mini video outlining all the juicy things you get to experience on your 9 week journey to freedom. Next Round commences February 9th 2014, enrolments open January 16th 2014.