Monday 11 November 2013

The Manifesto Corner with Nicola Wood

Recently I got to interview Nicola Wood, who is the Sunrise Traffic Reporter all the way from the chopper. I met Nicola when I was working in my last PR job, she is such a beautiful warm soul who is such an inspiration to go out and be persistent and get what you really want.

What were the three key tips to manifesting your dream career in journalism and presenting?

I started my career by chasing my passion. In my case, I couldn’t think of anything more exciting and challenging that would make me want to wake up so early in the morning than seeing the sunrise from a chopper while reporting on TV. Secondly, you have to believe you can do it. After finishing my studies, I had no work experience and literally chased down my current role, because I believed I was able to handle the workload. I could see myself in the position and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Finally, believing you deserve the role isn’t enough – you need to actually be deserving, by always learning, putting in the long hours and taking criticism on the chin. If you believe in your passion enough, then all the work will be worth it in the end.

What is your favorite quote and how does it resonate with you?

‘Fortune favors the brave’ – I love this, because all the risks, all the chances and all the times you are put out of your comfort zone, you can’t possibly lose. When you do something that scares you, you are always going to gain knowledge, experience and wisdom that will add to your character.

I also love a quote of Mother Teresa: “People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.”

Every single time I read this quote, I smile.

 What does an average day look like in the World of Nicola Wood?

The alarm goes off at 4:30am and I am out at the airport doing radio crosses, doing make-up and getting ready to fly just before 6:00am. I fly in the traffic chopper for just under 3 hours filming and reporting on accidents and delays for Sunrise on Channel 7, while doing radio crosses in between that. After we land, I’ll drive back home, eat, organize the mess I left behind me in a tired-rush, go for a run and do some work for my blog, First World Beauty Problems. I’ll head back out to the airport just after lunch for the drive shift, where I update the traffic for various radio stations around Sydney through to 7pm. After arriving back home again, I’ll attempt to have some kind of a life by going out to dinner (I’m a horrible cook/can’t be bothered learning) and catching up with friends that have normal work hours. If I’m in bed by 9pm, it’s a good day. If I’m in bed by 10:30pm, it’s probably a more normal day.

Who is your role model and how do they reflect in your own life?

I have a few role models – my Mum for showing me how to be strong and support others, as she has always been such a wonderful support for me. I also look to many of my close friends as role models, as they have had the determination and confidence to go after their dreams, which inspires me to do the same after every catch-up coffee.

If you could be any one in the entire world for the day who would you be and why?

Obviously, I would be BeyoncĂ©. I would pop my hips at every chance, I would hit every high note if someone just asked me how I was, I would chill on some pimping boat with Jay Z and rap about how awesome I am and I would call up my girls from Destiny’s Child to do freeze-frames while singing ‘Say my Name’.

 What are the three key things you want to manifest in your life?

1.    Gratitude. I can be so quick to look for the next thing, the next goal or the next aim without stopping to appreciate what I have around me. Gratitude changes everything.
2.    Meditation. I am horrible at meditating, because I am so easily distracted – yet I find that when I completely put my mind into relax mode, I am much less likely to get annoyed in traffic delays or when I burn my tongue on a soy latte…(I got slightly annoyed even typing that).
3.    Laughter. Nothing attracts me to a person more than humor. The people I have around me are always the ones that make me smile, because sometimes, all you can do is laugh!

 If you came across a huge grassy green hill, how would you go down the hill ( you may use any kind of prop or physical motion) ?

The first thing that comes to my mind when imagining this hill, is sliding down on a board and picking up some serious speed! I would most likely hurt myself at the bottom, but it would be so much fun at the time!

In 1 word how do you describe yourself ?

Excitable. I have always been overly excited by birthdays, Christmas morning, a new outfit, surprises…anything! Usually people grow out of this kind of thing, yet I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop smiling when my favorite song comes on, squealing down the phone at good news from a friend or completely dying at the specials board at Gelato Messina.

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