Wednesday 13 November 2013

Top Tips for Self Love

As you all are aware I am studying at the most amazing nutrition school in the world Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) I am up to Module 3 and this week is all about Bio Individuality, meaning that every “ body “ is different, we also talk about Self Care and some great tips from Robert Notter for our self and for future clients. I was so inspired by these tips that I felt the need to share this with you all. These are not all the tips and I have interpreted these tips in my own personal way.

Hope this inspires you to take time out each day for “YOU” as you deserve it you amazing human ;)

Tip 1:

Take one step at a time: Remember the phrase “ Rome wasn’t built in a day” well it has a good point, that good things take time and great things take persistence and energy. If you working on a project, or a goal like getting to a healthy weight range, please remember to take it easy and don’t over work your self, take little steps every day to accomplish that end result.

Tip 2:

Have “YOU” time: This step may sound selfish but it’s very necessary, we are constantly catering our self to others and not looking after the number one person in our life (our self). Schedule in some time to do things that you enjoy, where it is read a book, watch a movie of your choice, book in to get a massage, go to your favorite cafe and order your favorite meal or just simply sleep in. Treat your self to a bit of self-healing and love from time to time.  

Tip 3:

Eat Healthy Foods: Eating a well balanced diet with enough vegetables, whole grains, fruits and protein can really impact our bodies. If we eat well we feel well, we sleep better, we are less likely to get sick and we have more energy. Eating junk food and sugary foods constantly make us feel tired and run down, so recharge your body with nutritious foods to make your feel energized and on top of the world.

Tip 4:

Move your bodies: If you are sitting in an office each day you have to remember to move your body. Ideally we should be doing exercise each day even if its just a 30 min power walk, however if you cant get around to it make sure you just move your body, either by jumping around your house, turning on some music and dancing or just stretching it out in your bedroom. Our bodies need to be moved daily to help with our circulation and mobility.

Tip 5:

Breath Frequently: We have moments in our day that we feel stressed, worn down and lacking in energy, we must remember our breath and the importance of deep breathing. By focusing on our breathing we narrow in on our awareness and bring our bodies back to its natural state. Our body next oxygen to survive, so give thanks to the fresh air we get to fill our lungs with and notice each breath feel lighter and lighter as your stress and worries lifts away.

Tip 6:

Don’t Compare Yourself: This is such an important tip to remember, did you know that comparison is the biggest form of unhappiness! If you want to get from A to B and you know that some one has already accomplished what you want, do not envy, bitch and complain that they have something that you want. Instead you should take time to congratulate that person, and say to your self “ hey, if they can do it, then so can I” Remember to give love to the things that you want, the moment you don’t give love to something the universe will respond and you will never accomplish what you set out to accomplish.

Tip 7:

Spend Time with Supportive People: Spend time with those legends in your life that really take you higher, that share the same common interests as you and who can truly motivate you from just being around them. Try to avoid “Energy Vampires”, these are people who complain, nag, bitch, whine and who are just straight up negative about life. Energy Vampires will try to bring you down with them, so make sure you escape the trap and find time to connect more with your support team. Also make sure you find time to say thank you to all those supportive people in your life as they truly are a blessing in your life.

Remember to love the most important person in your life " YOU" when you love your self you attract lots of love back into your life. treat your self to a massage go for a long walk, eat healthy delicious food and spend time with your legendary friends. 

Love + Light.


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