Wednesday 11 December 2013

. Imagine It. Feel It. Receive It .

. Imagine It. Feel It. Receive It .

Moving into 2014 a brand spanking New Year where you can drop all judgment, control, fear and attachments from the previous year and surrender to fully commit to limitless living. The time is NOW to harness the force of love through Money, Relationships, health, career and in business. With the help of three easy steps you will be able to change your life into whatever you want.

“ Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and every thing your heart desires must come to you.”

-       Shakti Gawain

What ever it is you want In life, or what ever you want to do in life it is very simple, you must give love to receive love. Imagine it, Feel it, Receive it. Listen up carefully as I break this down for you . . .

Imagine It:

Its time to use your mind and to really focus on what you want and what you desire. Fall in love with the idea, paint a picture in your head and act as if you already have your desire. How would your desire do to your five senses? How would you act if you got your desire and how would it make you feel. Be creative write out a diary entry as if you already are experience this desire and keep visualizing.

Feel It:

When you are imagining your desire you must also harness the “Feeling” and the love for what you are imagining. How would you feel when you are with your desire? Your imagination connects with what you want. So keep imagining things you do want and experience the good feelings rather things you don’t want.
Feel love, happiness and joy when manifesting your hearts desires and feel the magnetic pull drawing what you want closer to you.

Receive It:

Whether you like it or not the Law of attraction does in fact exist, the universe will give you more of what you want only if you think and feel in that first. The force of love will work through the visible and invisible forces of nature to bring your desires to you. What ever you desire you must want it with all your heart. When it does come into your life give thanks to the desire and know that the universe is working in your power.

“What ever desire you can imagine- already exists! It doesn’t matter what it is, if you can imagine it, it already exists in creation”

- The Power: By Rhonda Byrne


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