Sunday 19 January 2014

Why Me + The Corporate World don't Mix

So life plays out a bit like this, we are born into a world of imagination as a child; we explore, wander and create. We start to grow up and we are told to stop dreaming and start thinking, to concentrate more in school, get good grades so we can go to college. 
Most kids after high school have no clue what they want to do, and with the pressure of parents and teachers they fall into a course that has no interest to them and as a result spend 5 years studying and dreading each day. After uni, they are ready for the big bad world, and get a huge reality check when their “dream job” is them running after for other people, to try and climb the corporate ladder. 

For some people the corporate life style is for some people and yes that’s great. But for the others, the dreamers, the believers the lovers of life, this can sometimes be a struggle. As we are molded into what society wants/ tells us to be and do, we slowly start to shift our focus away from what we really want to do with our life and what makes us happy. 

Not every one is fit for the corporate world and that’s ok. But it’s finding out what you LOVE to do that can unlock the key to an amazing career and a kick ass life.

3 reasons why me + corporate don’t mix:

1.Cant stand the office politics:

Many people in business are trying to climb that corporate ladder, race to get the next pay rise, and push their way for a bonus. Many people do not care who they step on, they will bitch, back stab, whine, complain and carry on until they get there own way.  It is in my blood to treat people with respect, and working in a company with strong office politics and antics, I was rubbed the wrong way to many times that I had to step back and say to my self. “ So Nikki, if these people aren’t valuing you, then how will you value your self?”  

2. Caffeine fuelled work place

One of my highest values is my health and overall wellbeing. Working in business (not all) but many employees are run on multiple cups of coffee, red bulls and jam packed sugary snacks and drinks. I find it so ironic when people come into work, guzzling down on a coffee and then complaining that they got no sleep the night before. People are constantly searching for energy through out the day so they increase caffeine and sugar intake then when they try to get to sleep they cant and often suffer from insomnia, but really it is just a result of this vicious cycle of caffeine. This then results in crazy moods swings and puts pressure on your health.

3.Concrete Jungle mayhem:

When I close my eyes and picture my perfect work place I see my self surrounded by nature, green trees every where to fill my lungs with pure rich oxygen, big open windows and maybe a hammock hanging by some palm trees, ready for me when I need a mini relaxing break.  The Big City is filled with tall high-rise buildings, pollution, traffic, fast food, constant air conditioning and the list goes on. I remember working in the city, I would never be able to see the sun, or to even open up a window for fresh air.  From summer through to winter we had the air con on the whole time; it felt like I was working in an artificial environment. I think as I am a water sign, I am very effected by my surroundings, from the people to the type of environment. I know I am most creative and most productive when I am amongst Mother Nature and all its glory.

My Balance of Yin + Yang:

I still work in Business, as a PR freelancer, and my values still stand strong. I work for people and companies who I love and really have a strong connection with, and who respect me as a PR professional.  I work hard but I continue to stand by my values of looking after my health and wellbeing. I manage my time wisely and find time to do the things I love. I balance my yin + yang by eating nutritious foods, working from home, yoga practice and meditating.

I ditched the corporate world and I am now in a beautiful place of  “balance”. From PR, to Health Coaching and becoming a Yoga Instructor I continue to follow my values, and to live out my best life yet.


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