Monday 6 January 2014

Ditch the Sweet Stuff and go Organic thanks to Bionade

Listen up people, put down the fizzy stuff thats high in sugar and filled with hidden preservatives and nasties and swap it for this tasty Organic Soft Drink. 

Now i bet your all like "What, this has got to be a hoax" and i say hell to the NO it is the real deal and it is all thanks to Bionade. 

A few things you need to know about Bionade:

1. 100% Certified Organic 
2. Gluten Free
3. Vegan & Vegetarian friendly 
4. No colourants, preservatives, artificial flavours and NO hidden nasties 
5. Available in 4 delicious flavours: Lychee, Elderberry, Herbs & Orange + Ginger

This is how much i love Bionade and the 4 yummy flavours 

Bionade has reached its way to the Australian shores after having huge success as Europe's Number 1 Healthy Soft Drink and Germany's best selling Organic Soft Drink, this goes to show that Bionade taste good and is good for you. 

Now i don't want to dis on the other sweet beverages and brands , BUT people need to know the dangers of consuming all that sugar. It can relate to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, fatigue, heart disease, insomnia and the list goes on. If you get the sugary cravings don't ignore it but choose a healthier option that your body will thank you for and this is Bionade. 

I <3 Bionade Icy Pols 

Bionade Summer Icy Pol Creations :

Since its summer here in Sydney Australia i thought i would get creative and try and make my own summery icy pols using the Bionade 4 flavours. 

All you need is:

- Your Choice of Bionade (I choose to use all 4) 
- A selection of summery fruits ( I used Blue berries, Strawberries, Lemon + Lime) 
- Plastic Icy Pol containers that you can purchase from Hot Dollar, Big W and K Mart. 

Pop the fruit in first and fill the remainder with Bionade and leave to freeze over night, and there you have it your very own 100 % Organic Icy Pol that is fruity and scrumptious. 

I <3 Bionade Summer Bliss Juice 

Bionade Summer Bliss Juicy Creation: 

Bionade taste incredible on its own and my favourite flavour would have to be Lychee, but i wanted to experiment and tried to add in some freshly squeezed fruits and i absolutely fell in love with this creation that i named " Bionade Summer Bliss Juice" 

All you need is: 

- 1 Botel of Bionade ( I used Elderberry) 
- 1 Freshly Squeezed Orange
- 1/2 Lemon squeezed 
-  A wedge of Watermelon Juiced 
- A hand full of blue berries 

Mix it all together and you have got your self a summer in a bottle!! You can go a step further and create a cocktail by adding tome Gin, Vodka or a spirit of your choice. 

I hope you all love Bionade as much as i have, and have a go and try out some summer icy pols and a fresh summer bliss juice. 

Instagram: Bionade_Aus
HashTag: #BionadeRevolution 

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