Thursday 21 August 2014

A Flower in a Wind Storm

A Flower in a Wind Strom

A dark time in my life, a wise friend once told me...

“You are a flower just trying to bloom, but a storm keeps burying you. One day… Boom, and you will bloom and be strong enough to stand in the wind and the rain”

My journey in life has been glorious, travel, new experiences, new faces and beautiful opportunities also along with heart break, anxiety, sadness and grief. I have welcomed in a new part of my self, I am still finding out who she is and how does she serve a place in my life, It’s a journey that is never ending, we constantly are sharing our first date over and over again. This new girl with in me is here for me to teach a lesson and for months I have been neglecting her but now I see her beauty and I choose to listen, and become her friend...

I am sure you have qualities about your self that you wish did not consume you, and I bet underneath it all you have so much goodness that wants to ozze out just like a tap with dripping golden water. But what happens when we have a clogged drainpipe, and all the good we have inside is masked by fear, anger and judgment?

Have you felt like this? Have you felt like nothing and no one can change the way you feel? Do you feel that you would rather give up then fight another day? Well I can resonate with you. Yes the happiest, inspirational Nikki also has a sad side, I side that I am accepting and a side that I am learning to love.

Like a Flower you to will Bloom Baby

We are all beautiful flowers in a garden of life, each of us share similar quality but ones petal may be larger than the next and how we grow and evolve will be as individual as our neighbor. Like a flower you will bloom baby. But first you must water the plant.

Water your Flower:

Give your inner flower time to grow, you have planted the seed for a beautiful life, when you eliminate the ego self and be truly venerable you will see your self for who you really are, a beautiful spiritual being with your own values and beliefs, your own heart and your own breath. Water your inner flower by giving your self some love, eat foods that make you come alive, engage in conversations that are meaningful and that serves you well, take time to just be you. To water your flower you must come from a place of unconditional love and a nurturing space.

Give your flower some Sunshine:

Give your self the space to shine bright honey. I mean really own your power, what you believe in, what you stand for, who you are as a person, the words that you speak, the songs that you sing. All that amazingness just own it, embrace it and share it will the world. Be kind to your self and kind to others, feel the sun on your skin and know that you are here on this earth for a reason to grow and shine in your own magical way.

Embrace the storm:

Wouldn’t it be lovely to go through life with only highs, to have that perfect life like Barbie and Ken. Its not reality, its far from it, instead we must hold on tight and embrace the storm. Your inner flower will sway in the wind from time to time, we may suffer from grief, depression, loosing a loved one and many earthly heart breaking experiences. Your flower may get damaged, it may loose its color or a petal may fall but know that you can rebuild, you can lay some more fertilizer down and keep growing higher and stronger. When life gets in your way, just hold on tight, choose to fight, the storm will pass. As hard as it is at the time know that each moment holds a very important life lesson. Stand strong you beautiful flower.

“I buried all my pain in the garden. A beautiful tree started to grow. All of our dirt will one day be fertilizer” 

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