Tuesday 26 August 2014

No Fucking Judgments Please

"Judging another does not define who they are, it defines who you are" 

Ok it’s a fact, we all judge. We might judge others, ourselves, people we see on TV and the list goes on. But did you know that the people that you judge might be really struggling deep down? Did you know that we are all facing intense mountain high battles on a daily basis? And here we are, judging, blaming, comparing and putting labels on people we hardly know. I do not care what you look like, where your are from, what you wear, how old you are, what music you like, how much you have fucked up. NO because I am NOT you. I do not know the battles you are facing, the emotions you are going through, and the pain that is underneath that smile. How can I judge when I to am not perfect?

Stick It to the Judgement Bitch:

So as some of you may know I was diagnosed with a mental health illness known as bipolar aka (My Secret Blessing). I ended up in hospital, I was not in a good way, anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, extremely low blood pressure, beyond negative self talk, severally underweight and burnt out. I ended up in rehab and shared the hospital with other mental health patients, drugs and alcohol patients and the eating disorder patients. This was the first time that I really dropped all judgment and could be my true self amongst all the other nutters.

We are all Nut Jobs:

On the out side, these people would get judged on a daily basis, from their appearance and the lack of self-confidence and the drug abuse. But when I sat down, and decided to just be real and raw with them, they opened up to me about their own journey and what amazing stories they had. I met people who served time in jail, I met people who were sexually abused, I met people who were suffering from physcotic behavior, I met people who were bulimic, anorexic and servily depressed. I sat, listened and was open hearted talking to these people and I just decided not to judge, no matter how horrible their diagnosis or how far down they have gotten, no matter how many drugs they have taken. I did not judge. I realized that we are all humans, the stories they shared are there own personal struggles and triumphs and we all hold a little book of our lives.

Please STOP the Judgement:

So please I am begging you, do not judge. You have no idea what people are going through, you have no idea how much hurt some a suffering, you have no idea what your words can do to people, and you have no idea what impact negative comments have on these souls. Its life threatening. Please be kind, open your heart to the homeless, smile at a stranger, give more compliments and less complaints, be friendly to your neighbor and choose to soften and surrender.

Love + Light,

Nikki x 

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